I'll be heading West from Old Bahama Bay near the end on May. I have to meet guests in St Augustine about ten days later. I'll have crew onboard for my arrival in Florida but will most likely be singlehanded in between. It looks like my choices are limited to putting in at Cape Canaveral and steaming north inside or putting in at the St John's River entrance and steaming south. Ponce de Leon Inlet scored too low in Dozzier's for my liking. I would be very interested in comments from others with experience in this area. Regards,
What size and type of vessel? I haven't been in Ponce in quite a while (last time was on an 80' that drew less than 5') but the SeaTow captain there used to be great at guiding you in.
I think Port Canaveral is a great inlet; However, you have to sit through a lock, then proceed down what seems like an endless canal/no wake zone to get to the icw. I need to look at a chart, but why not St. Augustine Inlet? The inlet can be bad with wind/tide at times, but I've also been there when it was quite easy. Seems like there is a bad sandbar to miss once you get inside.
St Augustine is fine, just get the latest info since there is some shoaling on the sides but i think it has been marked Ponce is ok too. Just be careful once inside. From ponce to st aug you ll have to go thru some shoaling on the icw at matanza but the buoys are on station, just take it slow. I always try to get some tide due to the 6+ draft on the boat I run but there is still 8 MLW About ponce, if you take the south branch into New Smyrna and then go up the icw, favor the reds at the intersection and you ll have 8 MLW. There is less than 5' On the green side As always check out active captain for the latest and don't hesitate to call the local sea tow/towbus
all good info, however keep in mind that you must see customs, depending on your port of entry this could take several hours (to get to and from the customs office and some expense). If you have the time/speed I would go for St Augustine, they have shuddles going to the Jax airport. just one other point of infor, the red marker, after you enter St Augustine is in the ICW, dont get on the wrong side of it, there is NO WATER
First off, I'd like to thank all of you for your replies. The information that gets exchanged in this forum is priceless. Regarding my specifics, I am glad to hear the praise for St Augustine. The boat owners are meeting me in early June to head north on the ICW on an "American History Cruise". St Augustine would seem like a fitting place to begin. I shied away from this inlet when the co-owner of a local sportfish that had been based in St Augustine raised her eyebrows at my mention of it as a good choice for entry. It would be much easier for me to just make landfall and tie her up no matter how long the wait is to clear in. I've got a week to spare and I'm only half way through my 2500 mile itinerary. Once my delivery crew gets off the boat I'd just as soon not move until the family is here to handle lines. On the same theme, I have in addition to my electronics suite which has multiple Garmin chartplotters, I have Bahamas Chart Kits, Dozziers Cruising Guides, NOAA Sailing charts for PR, DR and Straits of Florida. I've ordered a couple harbor charts for north Florida but the only charts for the ICW to Norfolk are in the form of the latest edition of Kettlewell's Intracoastal Waterway Chartbook and the accompanying Guide. Do I need supplemental paper charts for the ICW to Norfolk if I intend to stay inside the whole way? Regards,
The kettlewell guide is all you need for the icw Personally i don't use the typical cruising guides anymore, always outdated and not detailed enough compared to web resources The ditch is a very nice trip with so many nice places to stop. With your draft, do your homework though and play the tides where needed. Don't assume that being between the sticks is enough, usually it is not... Take it slow where needed, rely on your sounder to get a feel for where the deep water is
Thanks Pascal, Appreciate your comments, especially the "web resources" comment. Between the guides books and the Active Captain website I've been able to make a pretty inclusive Northbound spreadsheet for the bridge. No problem using the chartbook northbound but the guidebooks are a poor read backwards! My Garmin system has allowed me to easily transpose tide data into the same spreadsheet for the days I expect to be in some of the worst shoal spots. Plan on making sure my WiFi is up to snuff so I can stay online for Active Captain and this forum while enroute.
I make the run between Ponce Inlet and St. Augustine twice a year and always do it inside. Of course, I'm only drawing 4'. I love the ride up the ditch between the two. Very nice peacful ride with quite an assortment of scenery. Stay away from Mantanzas Inlet. I have been thru St. Augustine inlet quite a few times before and never noticed big issues with the sand bars, but then again, I move slowly and give clearence off of the markers. The channel is well marked. Also, there are so many larger sportfishing boats travelling in and out of that inlet, it shouldn't be any problem following one in.
here my notes from last fall. Shallow spots, all depths are converter to LOW tide. MM45, North Landing River, 7' or less shoal across from G115, just green of centerline. favor red of centerline. MM80, Alligator River entrance. No an issue, but many run aground there. dont' miss the G3 (missing on OLD charts) then after splitting R8/G7 aim straight for R10 to avoid the shoal on the red side, south of R8 MM224, Bogue Sound, favor center or green of centerline between R40 and R40A MM 233, Bear Inlet, 8' MLW shoal 100/150' North of G55 on green side. MM 239, Browns Inlet. No issues, 10' MLW splitting R60/G61 and then splitting G63 and shoreline MM245, New river Inlet. No issues except for brief 9'MLW hump on south side of inlet crossing MM288, Masonboro Inlet South, 7' MLW shoal 100' north of G135, favor red of centerline MM330, Shallotte Inlet, all good except a short 9' MLW hump 200' North of R82 MM430, McClelanville, 9'MLW between G35 and G37, 8' to 9' MLW between G37 and R40 MM460, North of Ben Sawyer Bridge, numerous 7' MLW spots south a G117A all the way to G121 MM497, Dawhoo river. 7' MLW along the green floaties pat R110. 7' MLW between R116 and G117. 9' MLW off R132 just west of the bridge MM 503 Watts cut. 8' MLW mostly between G139 and G143 MM510 Fenwick Cut, 9' MLW between 162 and R162A, 12' between R162A and R164 MM516 Ashepoo Coosaw South, 6' to 7' MLW most of the way (northern section of the cut off bet R166 and R172 is no problem, over 12' MLW) MM570, Ramshorn Creek, deep except brief 9' MLW sounding at the south end, between R40/G39 MM575, Fields cut, 8' hump at the nothern end just south of point on east side.7'MLW at southern end, off the dock, mid channel MM602, Hell Gate, 7' MLW in the southern part, south of R90 MM625, Johnson Creek, 8' MLW between G127 and R128 MM655, Little mud River, 6'MLW south of G193. at R194, aim for a point halfway between G195 and range marker, then turn precisely on range without cutting/overshooting MM683, Jekyll Creek, 7' to 8'MLW south of G13. At G13, aim for R16 until about 200' before range marker, then aim for the range MM704, Cumberland Dividings, favor the green side south of G59A for 12' MLW all the way thru. Stay away from the reds. Most plotters will show you on a "ghost" round island! some 9' MLW south of G63A, stay in channel MM718, Amelia River, favor the green side north of the bend and G1. pass between the 11' sounding (actual depth there 7MLW) and shore line. pass about 20/30' of G1 then stay mid channel MM725 south Amelia River, favor the green side south of R34 (8' MLW on center and red of center). south of the bend, between G37 and G39, favor the red side before returning to center by G41 MM726 south Amelia river, favor the green side around the 11' sounding just south of R42 and after the shoal charted on red side. Favor the Red near R44 to G45 MM792 Matanzas Inlet, follow the temporary markers. Stay about 50' from the reds then favor the red side around the series of floating greens for 8' MLW MM843 Ponce Inlet, stay close to reds, about 20' away from R18 for 8' to 9' MLW. under 5' on the green side.
Is there anything new regarding the situation with the channel markers in the entrance to St Augustine?
When I came up the icw 3weeks ago there was a 48 Viking hard aground on the bar. They came in at night and dicnt stay close enough to the reds I heard a tow boat captain suggesting that going red to red was the best route Just saw this on cruisersnet: LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS: Week 19/11 FL East Coast St Augustine Inlet: Due to Shoaling on the south side of the channel, Temp LB 5A has been changed to LB 5B and a Temp Buoy 5A has been established in position 29-54-48.338N 081-16-22.501W. Chart 11488 LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS: Week 21/11 Due to the shifting shoal St Augustine Inlet Buoy 6 has been established in position 29-54-44.784N 081-16-54.191W to mark best water. All mariners are advised to exercise caution while transiting the area. Chart 11488
Thanks Pascal, Your replies are most helpful. I am sure I speak for many when I say that your considered responses are of real benefit. I expected to have been in St Augustine by now except for a fuel issue enroute. Mr ********'s earlier responses have been equally beneficial in clearing up confusion regarding the appropriateness of this inlet for transients but obviously I appreciate the most up to date information possible. Some posters seem interested in bashing the local authorities, I';m just interested in staying in the channel!
Pascal, I haven't punched those numbers into the GPS yet. Are they inside the inlet or still out? I plan on coming down from Jax at the end of the third week in June and just want to make sure I stay inside the channel. I'll be in the ditch the entire trip. I'm pretty sure I'll be coming thru at near high tide, so I may still have afequate water regardless. I'm drawing 4'. Sorry...don't want to hijack the thread.