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Smart Phone does "Dumb Things"!

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by ddw1668, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. ddw1668

    ddw1668 Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2007
    Murrells Inlet, SC
    Two days ago, I took my 13' Whaler Dauntless for a check ride before a prospective buyer was to come back for a second look and sea trial. As I exited the boat, my Droid X did a double back flip into the basin between the boat and the dock.

    The night before we had spotted a 3' gator in the same area and a day before two dolphins (or were they bull sharks?) made an appearance nearby. I wisely decided to borrow a pool net to explore the 7.5 foot deep murky water and after futile attempts at retrieval, I jumped in feet first to explore the bottom with my talented size 12's. Since I used to be 6'4" tall, I thought this would be easy, but 71 years of bouncing around in boats has taken its toll and I had to push myself down using the dock for leverage and could barely touch bottom before coming back for air. As this was unfolding, the new buyer and buddy approached the dock finger and saw the top of my head and thought it was a gator. Imagine their surprise to find me under the "gator". I elegantly mounted the swim ladder on the Whaler and stood dripping on the dock explaining the situation. The buyer then asks "Can you take us for a ride?"

    "Do you know how to drive a Whaler with an outboard?"

    "Uh, I have a 38' Sea Ray with twin screws......

    "Ok, heres how it starts, shifts, tilts, etc., I am going to change into dry clothes, have a nice ride......."

    All is well that ends well. Whaler is going to a new home, I am going to go get a new phone and made the buyer pay full asking price in order to make the phone purchase less painful.

    No gators, bull sharks, dolphins, or water moccasins were injured during the filming of this episode.

    I would be interested in hearing any "smart phone" stories related to boating. BTW, this is the third phone I have donated to Poseidon........One in Lake Hartwell, GA, one in Broad Creek, Hilton Head, SC, and one on the Mighty Waccamaw River, Murrells Inlet, SC. Hope he has an unlimited calling plan.:rolleyes:
  2. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Can I suggest a case with a lanyard?