Yesterday I noticed the auto pilot ( both primary and backup) were responding much slower than normal. Any ideas on where to begin to look?
Define "responding" And are you referring to using it in Nav mode or Auto? Do you use the same compass for both primary and backup? Do you have two pumps plumbed in or one?
Two pumps. The boat adjusts very slowly to small course changes in auto mode. I think there are two compass installed below. Could it be the power steering?
When you are testing, one or the other pilot pumps are valved off? Yes I would think it could be power steering but it could also be air in the lines. Anything sitting on the ram in the lazzerette? A big fender? As in it is slow to respond with steering input too? Or just pilot. Robertson on that thing, yes?
What brand of autopilot? Check the steering system and make sure their is fluid and pressure first. Then go into the menu and try turning up the response level. If it's simrad, if you hit auto twice it will go into hi mode and will say it on the screen and should respond quicker.
Great. One is simrad and one is comnav. I'm going to check fluid levels first. These does seem to be an air leak where you charge the system. It will hold for a day or two. Any tips on stoping air leak.