couple of days ago, I got a rudder response failure on the AP28 display. At that time, there was rudder movement whatsoever. Pulled the brushes on pump motor, they looked ok except for the bottom one being full of dust. Cleaned and reinstalled. Checked the voltage I teh main board terminal and I get voltsge on the pump terminal, +- reversed depending on direction. Tested the AP and the pump still doesn't respond trying a turn to starboard but when testing a turn to port, the rudders swing hard over to stbd. Trying to figure out if it indeed a bad pump motor or a control board problem.
reverse the pump wires. if the motor still will not spin in the other direction (port), then bad motor. I'm afraid it's a relay on your board. I'm about to rip out a AC42 box tonight my self. Bad internal battery. Simrad (Navico) usually turns around in 4 weeks.