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Seaman's book options

Discussion in 'Licensing & Education' started by gnilias, Sep 26, 2024.

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  1. gnilias

    gnilias New Member

    Sep 26, 2024
    I'm about to complete my STCW Basic Safety Training (5 days) in the UK and have my seaman's medical (ENG1), also from the UK. I don't have a job yet. I'm a dual British and Australian citizen and my understanding is that in both these countries, I need to get a job first before I can apply for my Seaman's Book.

    It is my perception that I will have a better chance of getting a job if I already have a Seaman's book (and start logging sea time straight away, even if on a voluntary / unpaid basis), and I know that some countries / registries issue Seamans books to non-citizens who don't have a current contract as a seaman. I'd like to explore this possibility and as a newbie to this forum I am asking for your help.

    Does anyone know of White List countries (i.e those countries properly implementing the STCW95 convention) that will issue Seaman's books to overseas applicants that don't have a contract of employment? If so, which countries? Is there a downside for me if I apply to a grey list or black list country for their Seamans' book and then convert to a different Seaman's book once I have clocked up some experience?

    Thanks for helping me understand my options.