S&S has been kind enough to make this available as a no charge download. Just a bit in to it and he sounds like someone whose company would have been quite enjoyable. http://www.sparkmanstephens.com/yachtdesign/rodstephens_book/
A fantastic link, thank you CODGER. Just into about page 4 when up popped an old family friend, Arnie Frisell and his yacht 'Kay'. The late Arnie kept 'Kay', which was just so beautiful, in a manner that most Miss Universes would envy. She had four large brass and wood Dorade boxes on the foredeck that kept the interior ventilated and dry (missing from many of todays boats, thats why they smell musty). As a kid, I fell for her in a big way. Arnie's son, Sven Jr, used to run the Navy PX after they sold the family restaurant, La Parouche, in Antigua. He now runs the Sunsail Colonia Hotel, we are still buddies after almost 30 years. Sadly before Arnie passed away he sold 'Kay' (a divorce thing) and purchased an enqually nice wooden trawler yacht built over 20 years in a guy's backyard in Florida. So a couple of lines in a book bought all this rushing back, plus having a large S & S Swan parked outside my office, gives a nice glow knowing the great man had a shared opinion of 'Kay'. Fish
Really is a fascinating read. I hope that the person from S&S that made the decision to make this book available visits Yachtforums. He, or she, has a special course on a broad reach to sail reserved in the clouds when the time comes.