As it is very difficult to fine the thin walled brass raw water tubing, anyone ever use reinforced wet exhaust hose for your raw water side of the motor with fiberglass elbows to make the bends?
Confused... Brass should NEVER be used for raw water (salt water) whether on engine, air con or whatever.
You may want to post a picture or at least tell us what engines you have. Bronze is usually what s used for raw water but usually for any significant length reinforced hose is used
If it's brass, get it off your boat. Replace it with bronze, specifically from a company like Groco that will be using a pure quality of bronze. Fitting from Home Depot should not apply for your attention.
It's Copper tubing and yes, I have used exhaust fiberglass tubes and hoses many times with great results. Check with for what is already available. WestMarine will be your retail connect. When it's not off the shelf, I also make my own with these parts and epoxy.
Thanks for the ideas...will go with wet exhaust hoses and the fiberglass elbows...only need to make 2 custom joints for the fuel coolers as they are approx 3/4" off the 2" main raw water supply
Replacing bad...wrapped one up in fiberglass and resin tonight to get me through the summer then replace all in the winter
One Covington that We serviced was rebuilt years ago. The rebuild shop got the steel and copper tubes confused around the first H E. Yes, it rusted out and this started my glass tube works. I have heard of others trying to use stainless auto exhaust tubes with fancy bends from the muffler shop. The bends rust out quickly.
Did some fiberglass/resin wraps with roven woven last night..will sand smooth tonight, make round, put another coat of resin on to fill on the sanding marks...should be good to go until winter when I replace the raw water side of the engines
Fiberglass job held together great...may just sand all the pipes down and put a round of fiberglass and resin on them...why reinvent the wheel?