Hello all, I'm a new user with a 2 questions. 1. What is the difference between a senor member and a registered user? 2. How do you become a senor member? Thanks
From what I understand, a Registered user is someone that has a life and only frequents YF periodically or when he has something relative to post, a Senior member is the opposite to that.
..... Senior status is assigned around 100 posts, but some members reach the same inside of a few posts. Others... may never get old. It's not about post count on YF. It's about contribution. There IS a difference.
I guess what 'YachtForums' is saying is that it boils down to the quality and content of posts. There are some members here that got senior member status before reaching 100 posts. Posts should be helpful, informative and knowledgeable. Nothing liable in nature, infringing on copyright and such like. So in a few cases some members that displayed this that I have seen got old so to speak before 100 posts but they then quickly passed that 100 post barrier anyways. It is not purely based on 100 posts that connotes senior member status there is a big difference between registered user and senior member in these ways. Hope that explains it a little better.
Apparently if your feeble old treacherous brain is clogged with a volume of (mostly) useless information that your share about old classic and wood yachts, you are bestowed the honor of being known as a YF Historian.