I ordered new Veem props for our Tiara this winter and am purchasing new nuts etc. The company I'm working with suggested "Prop Tight" locking nuts. They are substantially more expensive than traditional hardware but given the cost of the new props cost is fairly inconsequential. Does anyone have any experience/input on these? Worth it or just stick with the old style (in the correct order)? https://proptight.com/ Appreciate any feedback... Max
Looks like a decent design. Make sure the Veem’s are drilled for the Prop Smith removal tool, it’s a must have feature imo. https://www.propsmith.com/
I've never had issues with the traditional 2 nut system and a cotter pin, as in ever. Why change what works?
That's kind of what I thought as well, but figured I'd run it past the in-house experts here... Appreciate all the input on the hardware and good suggestion on making sure they're drilled for the propsmith tool. Looking forward to new wheels on the boat this summer. Max
You should have noticeably less vibration and should pick up a knot or so...….over older federal/michigans that your boat probably had. Make sure to have the new props lapped to the shafts.