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Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by White Noise, Jan 19, 2013.

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  1. White Noise

    White Noise New Member

    Jan 18, 2013
    New Buffalo, MI
    Hello Everyone,

    We purchased a 2000 396MY this past summer and have found areas that either need attention or we'd like to do update. If anyone has advice or ideas for the following items it would be most appreciated.

    1. Chrome replacement bezels for the little ceiling lights (there gold).
    2. The power steering pump needs replaced.
    3. The dash switches are chalky and need replaced.
    4. We would like to install a TV on the bridge, is there a bracket that's better than another.
    5. Gas gage only drops to 3/4 when empty but goes to full as it should.
    6. The water heater has a little leak.
    7. Our Trac-Vision needs to be updated.
  2. talexander38

    talexander38 Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    Va. Beach / Deltaville Va.
    1, lights check the Carver home page try to find who made them, then contact them.
    2,What engines do you have ?
    3,Try to clean them with a vinyl clean it works sometimes or replace and or live with them.
    4,Why ? I wouldn't
    5,Check ground it could be loose or sensor is stuck or gone bad then you have to replace.
    6,Where's the leak ? the tank it self ? If so replace it.
    7, Trac-vision ? I take it you have a back up camera, what needs to be updated ? It works or it doesn't, If it doesn't work is it the camera or monitor ?

    more info needed....
  3. ksbguy

    ksbguy Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Good Luck!
  4. DanM

    DanM New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Racine, WI
    #1 - The trim rings are Hera's and you can find them on this link.

    Hera Replacement Parts - Decor Rings - Glass Lenses - Hera Light Bulbs

    Scroll about half way down and you will see the different color choices and lens types.

    #2 - Check the connections just behind the steering wheel. You will need to pull the 8 screw panel just below the steering wheel. You may find a leak which can be easily tightened with a couple of open end wrenches. Also check beneath the removable panel aft of the Master bed. The fluid reservior and pump are under the panel. Maybe the level is low and you have caught some air.

    #6 The large amount of fittings that are attached to the water heater under the master bed tend to sag over time and will begin to leak. I would check this first before tearing in the a water heater replacement. You may only need to replace some 15mm fittings.
  5. White Noise

    White Noise New Member

    Jan 18, 2013
    New Buffalo, MI
    Thank You!

    Thank you all for the advice and ideas.

    White Noise
  6. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Not to hyjack the thread but " White Noise " is my wife's nickname for me....could be we're related ?