In order to save energy and reduce the thermal load of our Yacht, We have decided to install Power Leds throughout the Yacht. In addition as I wanted to eliminate as much as possible the 24V current thus the thick cabling We decided to feed them with 220V and incorporate tranformers 220V to 24V. The challenge We face is that Power Leds cannot be dimmerised when connected in group thus different scennarios could not be achieved and We could not control them through AMX controls. We have tested hundreds of dimmers available in market but either they couldn't be controlled via AMX (not serial connection) or in case that they could be controlled through AMX We cannot dimmer them in group. Can anybody suggest any solution? Keep in mind that they are not ordinary LEDS but Power LEDS.
I think you may have better luck running the LED's in parallel. From my understanding LED's only dim in a very narrow voltage range so in series they act on each other and they tend to be on or off. A regular lamp begins to glow at about 10% to 15% of the optimum voltage were as a LED is about 95%.
other way to from my understanding in electronis .. Dimming - reduce the voltage - wrong - use pulsed voltage Look for an pulse generator with the right power, You can switch the LEDs with 100Hz or more, the changed pulse ratio gives different light. Look for generators with a reference voltage as input. Good Luck