Today is my YF one year anniversary. This is the best Forum with the most amazing group of participants. I never fail to learn something new or be entertained with each and every visit to these pages. The cumulative wisdom of the membership here is just amazing. I hope that whatever small contribution I have been able to add to the discussion continues to be worthwhile or perhaps helpful to someone. Big thanks to Carl and all of the participating members. Good job!
Hi, Thank you SeaEric. I too enjoy these forums greatly and have picked up a lot of info about various things from here as well as I hope contributing some to the topics I know things about.
Here, here... I concur sir! Over the weekend, I met one of our members at the Rybo Yot-Hop who was telling friends about YF, giving me some undue credit. I pointed out that I'm just one voice with my own expertise, but there are many voices here... some of yachting's finest... and collectively we have built a good resource. I remain hopeful that others with experience will join as they come to respect the knowledge being conveyed. Someone recently said... "it's your forum, so do as you wish". I found myself taking exception with this statement. I don't think of YF as my own. This site belongs to all of us. Each member's post becomes his/her stake. Collectively... we are all YF and I'm glad to be part of this community.
Thanks to Carl, and to fine folks like you, SeaEric, for making a lurker-to-poster transitrion an enjoyable one, and always having something of interest. Carl, you run a fine tight ship. Congratulations on one year, Eric, and cheers to many more!
Well this March, will be two years since joining this wonderful forum and community, even though it seems much longer than that. kudos to everyone who has pitched in in light of contributions as well as those who manage and moderate the forums...Carl, Lars, Kevin. Carl has been a wonderful mentor -if you will- to me. Through trial and error, I have learnt a wealth of information and I am still learning and have long to go. However, I feel right at home here... Congrats SeaEric on your 1 year of worthwhile participation!
SeaEric, Happy Anniversary! I enjoy your posts and banterings. You, me and everyone here makes YF what it is. I just can't get over how much YachtLuver contributes, that's great (especially for a young guy who should be in school). Thanks too, Ron.
I am at I guess that qualifies to be in school but I straddle the two tasks of school and yacht work/research and editorials and still have great grades. So I guess I manage my time well