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Off Topic: Yachts In Gibralter Continued

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by MKM Membership Revoked, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. The posts in this thread have been moved from the original thread: "Yachts in Gibralter" because they were unrelated to the topic

    Big Eagle is positioned near Lady Ann Magee now, very close, but off in bay. In fact, Lady Ann Magee is berthed at the marina near the Take-off Runway for airplanes, ocean village, end pier, when both are 70m far away each other. I know also that Ultimate is a workforce, but in my list she is as 'yacht', to be forgot, sure.

    There are 2 more small Sail yachts around: Highland Breeze & Bertha, both anchored off the runaway, near the out marina. Hope this info help you.
  2. 27.04.2010: Cyan & Cruise Ship Ventura

    CYAN berthed near centre, 'cruise terminal'

    Ventura P&O Cruise ship just left the port at 1 PM.

    NAHLIN: left Eckernförde German Marine Port and cruising nearby north Kiel at 3.2 kn.
  3. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    MKM, may I suggest that you stop posting AIS-information (that is history tomorrow). Daniel is using this thread to show us pictures of yachts he is seeing in Gibraltar.
  4. ok, sorry for posting or trying to help Daniel with the Positions in Gibraltar. I will then leave him alone for doing his spots daily. I will not help anymore with this.
    More explanations here.
  5. vlafrank

    vlafrank Senior Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Silver Spring, MD
    To my untrained eye, it seems that.....

    MKM's turn to receive polite criticizm has been coming up way too often. You and MKM are both speaking english, yet your interpretations of the written word could not be further apart. Repetitive negative reinforcement is starting to wear the man down, y'all! He's still feeling his way along here (as am I), and having his toes repeatedly stepped on is not helpful. He thinks he's actively contributing to the collective knowledge and insights typically appreciated by members of this forum; maybe it's time to cut the dude some slack.....? Whaddaya t'ink?

    Just sayin'..............
  6. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
  7. was that positive or negative to me? :confused: :eek:
    Even though, my appreciation about TALITHA classy yacht above was deleted. :( :rolleyes: It was: I like this yacht very much, mainly because the 2 funnels, even though/which are fake. Inside it has communications' devices, not all both funnels.
    As supposed those posts will be deleted also, as experience. :p you know, this place is severe, why i understand so many people complain and disappear suddenly after... but still trying... to be around. Mods think they are contributing 'professionally' when deleting all... others still valid contributions and ways of thinking contributing the site. They are used to be so from beginning and new ideas are never welcome here. This is my point of view.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2010
  8. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hey, this guy has got more slack than any other. We have been moving around posts on both our and his demand, editing links and pictures, correcting spellings and tried to give him advise on where to post what. Still he is posting demands of more help in creating new forums to suit his ideas.

    This is not an institution with fulltime employees waiting to be at your service, we should all try to get a readable and interesting meeting place. This is not possible when people do not follow normal forum etiquette or want 24 hour room service from a couple of moderators.

    Remember that most of the things we moderate, you are not seeing at all. Should we leave it, this forum would be a complete mess in no time.
  9. vlafrank

    vlafrank Senior Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Silver Spring, MD
    Positive, definitely, and your last observation reinforces my point, to wit: "......and new ideas are never welcome here." I am shocked and appalled that an educated European man should be given such an impression. America is a country founded on "new ideas," and for any intelligent foreigner (as MKM clearly is) to come away from this (or any other open) forum with such an impression is nothing short of scandalous! I cheerfully concede that I"m not privy to what goes on in the administration of this forum; however, I personally have not witnessed a lot of slack being given to this clearly well-intentioned foreigner with an imperfect command of the King's english and an even fuzzier comprehension of the subtleties of this Forum's conventions and sensitivities. I got the clear impression from him that he is entirely unused to having his ideas (and his posts) stifled by Americans, who are famously open to "new ideas" and an open exchange of opinions without rancor. At the risk of being wrong, I believe the foregoing was and is on his mind.

    Did anyone here fail to notice how he recoiled at the pointed "suggestion" that he cease posting AIS reports on various yachts' whereabouts? Plainly he thought he was being a team player (most Germans are, ja?) and
    contributing data that he genuinely thought we wanted to know. So what if
    most of the data becomes obsolete in a day or two as the vessels continue
    on their way? To his well-ordered and disciplined mind, that's altogether another issue, team.

    Just callin' 'em like I see 'em, guys, and Lord knows I've misjudged more than a few in my time, and will surely misjudge my fair share (at least!) in the future. But I'm fairly certain that I can judge by the increasingly frustrated and irritated tone of his on-going responses that he thinks he's being treated curtly and summarily by Americans, and just as clearly he's unused to that kind of treatment from Americans, and he's starting to get a little chafed.

    I'd hate to lose a good man's intelligence and good will simply because of a few misunderstandings and his faltering understanding of the American english idiom. I'd give my eyeteeth to speak german half as well as he speaks and writes english, but I've also plainly seen a misunderstanding or two here, and that's always unfortunate, though not always avoidable. That's why I was politely asking for a little slack for the man a while back. He'll learn fast, as long as he's still convinced that he's not being needlessly censored and/or treated with a premeditated lack of tact. Western europeans are sensitive that way.
  10. Thanks vlaFrank, bigboatbill and other positive feelings for the support...

    i would just like to complement. I beg opportunity here.
    1. I just copied & paste in someway in word for my own to have a future reference, if some things could happen. All those posts.
    2. Interesting that all this in all 3 forums i participated happens on fridays (Good humor in Karma then, positive always). I had been used to use another well known North-american (English mentality) forum, SSP, which i finally after many complains about english and those theme, i just been done, even when i didn't want. It is why i re-started my participation here. Actually i am here since before even SSP, 2006, instead of 2007 there, but as believing here would be happen soon this discussion, i just preferred not writing at all, just 3 posts in 3 years. (Even when i like more yachts than buildings)(I was then totally right, better having doing nothing then). But then after skipping SSP, which is still a much more flexible and workable site, 'not only fire-guns to be bought in Florida' that has really nothing to do with yachts, i came here again, because there started really as childish joke and many problems, like here now. So maybe better i doing something else really. Also SSC i please asked the owner there to erase complete my history after some posts, that was incredible strange.
    3. I understand most of Forums in english are made to most North-Americans only, but then some questions:
    3.1 Why also a lot of NA english speakers become tired and done after a while?
    3.2 I see that also moderators are living in other countries who sometimes complains more than the owner (born in USA)? (original languages are not english really)
    3.3 How could be then people like Henning in a country with similar mentality of USA (English speaker native as well) to after me 2009 been done first, in Australia like boat owner, appropriate to the site, don't? Is it really not something wrong?

    Go and see the stats. 20000 members but only 300 daily, maybe. Where are the others, all gone? For what reasons? Just think.

    If this is also my last post here, i understand and realize that i really do not belong here also, no problem. I will go looking again my place in sun for my hobby. Yes, my english is not the best, but i am flexible at least to know it and to try to improve all daily better in many topics. It is why people are in forums to know and have access to other things, they couldn't in real lives... Thanks.

    The way world is world like today and good people disappear everywhere, because those facts. All my thema introduced (differently) were really marine related only. Go and check.

    Corrected Words in Word to try to be more clear... Sorry.
  11. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Then you must know that the post I deleted was not saying the same as you claim above (in grey lettering)...
  12. More or less the part only in grey WAS, because it was only about a specific detail of the beautiful yacht. Not about also cut off arms & legs (DarthVader) participation way BS things. Whatever, i also with all those BS have been forgot something in my way, what vlaFrank posted and shaked me a little to be honest and i was lost for a while trying to understand, which i am still now... People call that like Trauma, i have to believe. When you deleted i really can't review it. But as my resemblance memories tried to bring in a good approach. I don't claim nothing above. I just expect you live good and Good Luck i can only desire with your site. It is a pity. If you can Suggest / Recommend me another Yacht forum similar to this i can participate more freely, that i haven't found yet, then i would be gratefully for your efforts. I found this London base one, but has no a little part to comment about the designs, the most i like. Sorry participating here. People say i am different, but i try to deny myself always to be in fit.
  13. vlafrank

    vlafrank Senior Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Silver Spring, MD
    I knew it!

    Aw crap - I knew (sensed) this was going to happen. Now he's gone, or will be soon, and WE are the poorer for it, not him.


    I think I'd better shut the [bleep] up now, or I WILL get banned outright, which I don't want.
  14. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    The preceding posts have been split and moved from the thread "Yachts in Gibralter" because they were unrelated to the topic. It's hard to believe the discussion turned from simple guidance by a moderator to a nationality issue.

    The post I've captioned above by AMG has nothing to do with nationality, but rather with maintaining a protocol that members mandated many years ago. Unless AIS information is directly relevant to a discussion, it is outdated and useless in a matter of days. The posts on YachtForums, however, will be here forever. This means readers will have to wade through information that is no longer valid. With most forums, this is an excellent way to LOSE readers!

    The original thread "Yachts in Gibraltar" by Daniel has generated over 100,000 views. Clearly, people from around the world enjoy following along and when relevant, informational facts and comments from YF's members, with the exception of owner's names and by request of at least a couple dozen captains on YF; to limit AIS info. Each has there reasons for this, ranging from security to privacy.

    MKM, please accept my apologies. Your participation is welcome here. The moderators on YF are only following the protocols created 7 years ago; to keep idle chat minimized and focus on content. Brainless banter and bickering are the demise of most forums. We're not going to let this happen here. All of us have too much time invested in this.

    YF is NOT run like other forums. It was originally created for yacht owners and captains to exchange information, the kind of info typically not published elsewhere. That same information is why we have 250,000 readers a month. And contrary to your figures, we have just under 9,000 readers each day. While many forums with only 20,000 members have FAR more posts, I GUARANTEE you the majority of those posts don't contain the kind of experience and wisdom you'll find at YF.

    I am reasonably certain that most of our members have NO idea what goes on behind the screen, but it's become a full time job to look after YF... and each of us (AMG, Kevin and myself) already have full time "real" jobs. We are members like everyone else, because we have a passion for boats and enjoying learning from our peers. I can assure you, we don't want the job of playing judge or jury.
  15. ok understood. Could you please then show me all rules what to be posted or not allowed in order i skip many things? because in the rules i read some times, really do not say that. I expect only with your appreciation still able to post sometime in this forum also. I entered in site not 7 years ago, but just first time in 2006 and then second really time in 2010. I really don't know what i am able to write, restricted in marine area. :confused: But if you still think i am amateur too much, no problem. I can try manage to skip.

    PS: The AIS was just trying to help spotters like me, but already noticed that was more or less an UNO / NATO issue then. :D
  16. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    The RULES are located at the top of the page on the 'wooden' navigational bar.