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Off-topic, but required reading...

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by YachtForum, Sep 20, 2006.

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  1. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    One-by-one, little-by-little... our privacy is being stripped from us. I can understand the need for security, safety and record keeping, but...

    At what point do we draw the line?
    At what point do we stand up for our rights?
    At what point do we say... enough is enough!

    Follow this link, or scoll down to read about legislation to force Internet Service Providers to track what their customers do online...

    I know this is off-topic, but it has far reaching implications and if you're reading this on the internet... this means you. It's cleverly disguised as a way to catch predators. In reality, this information could be used for many other purposes... and it's not with our better interests in mind. So what's next? Will governments require humans to have implants that track our thoughts?

    It's not my intent to start a political dissent. I just thought it was important to raise awareness on this.

    Returning to big boats that belch black smoke now...
  2. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    My concern would be the privacy's almost like a peeping tom looking into you bath while your bathing.
  3. landlocked

    landlocked New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
    People who trade liberty for security will get neither. However people who hack that database will get my online banking password.
  4. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    This is clearly one of the most violating initiatives to personal privacy in our nations history. If you are so inclined, here is a list of e-mail addresses for your Governor, Senator or Congressman…

    If you are further inclined, you might want to add to the stuffing this guy’s mailbox is getting…

    Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
  5. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Because the link to this story may be discontinued, I have posted the article here.

  6. OutMyWindow

    OutMyWindow Senior Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Everyone wants law & order but is afraid on how it’s implemented.
    The sad fact is that the Internet is the new tool of choice whether it is for the good (yacht forums) or the bad (child porn).
    Being a father, I’m OK with them doing whatever to get these people of the street.
    Bank fraught is also a popular gig with Internet crooks, if you don’t have Internet records, how will you prosecute them.
    Not that long ago, people were all exited about security cameras in public places; I must say, it’s nice to see they caught the London subway bombers.
    Wouldn't it be nice if we had the best of all worlds all the time and lived in Happy Land.
  7. Arniev

    Arniev Senior Member

    Nov 1, 2005
    Monterey, CA, USA
    One of our most IMPORTANT and BASIC RIGHTS, the Right to Privacy, is being taken away from us by the very government that is supposed to protect it!

    We don't need BIG BROTHER snooping over our shoulder, in the guise of fighting crime!
  8. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I agree that protecting children from predators and porn should be a priority, but there are OTHER ways to go about doing this. For example, triple-X extensions could be mandated, in place of .com, .net, .biz, etc. This is a viable solution that would give parents control over what their children can view online. In addition, software can limit who they exchange messages with.

    Unfortunately, the porn industry has gained enough lobbying power to curtail the initiative for xxx extensions. And now... law abiding, tax paying, decent people will pay the price. If people don't take action to protect their privacy, then we will have lost one of the most important freedoms we have. More and more, legislation is being quietly passed, usually in the form of an amendment that doesn’t receive much notice. Before long, we have new laws that are controlling every aspect of our lives.

    The trickle down effect of this legislation will have broad reaching effects on an unimaginable scale. This has nothing to do with porn, sleeze or perverts. The internet is the most valuable education tool the world has EVER known. It has brought about rapid paradigm shifts, vast collective knowledge, radical new ideas and ultimately… brought us all closer together on a level playing field.

    The ability to research new technologies, materials and applications, along with business models and the ideas that are developed from this research… are the types of proprietary information that will suffer. If someone else is able to see what you’re researching, implementing or conducting… then the net has lost great value for consumers and business alike. If you think the internet is treacherous due to spyware… you haven’t seen anything yet.
  9. techmati

    techmati Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Athens, Greece
    have you read this stuff from earlier in the year? getting ISPs to keep logs well thats not so difficult. Using Narus technology to snoop optical traffic at carrier speeds well thats quite amazing and worrying especially when it is done on peering links as well.

    Whistleblower outs NSA's secret spy room at AT&T - April 08, 2006

    Bush administration to intervene in ATT surveillance case - April 29, 2006

    AT&T leaks sensitive info in NSA suit - May 26, 2006

    At&T Redactions - 26 May 2006

    Judicial Panel Merges NSA Spying Suits - August 11, 2006
  10. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    One can only commiserate with this yacht forum's owner with regards to increasing legislation and the loss of privacy.

    Having always loved Gordon Lightfoot's music and lyrics, may I offer this consolation:

    There was a time in this fair land when the railroad did not run
    When the wild majestic mountains stood alone against the sun
    Long before the white man and long before the wheel
    When the green dark forest was too silent to be real
    But time has no beginnings and history has no bounds
    As to this verdant country they came from all around
    They sailed upon her waterways and they walked the forests tall
    And they built the mines the mills and the factories for the good of us all

    A long time ago and probably well before the Internet, an individual's innermost thoughts and vices remained a secret, known only to himself (and his God). That could only be betrayed by some obvious and unambigious action.

    Today, perhaps because to many, the Internet has become "an extension of their very being", the modern Man will have to get used to sharing "what he is" with the 21st Century "God". That is, the State. Who may decide at their whim, whether to act in a God-like manner, or not.

    Whatever, what is certain, is that if they consider that you have transgressed "the law", your punishment no longer merely awaits you at heaven's gate, but here, on earth...Amen. :eek:
  11. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    What exactly is a youngster doing surfing the web unsupervised anyway?
    Seems to be somewhat akin to dropping your child off to play by himelf in Port Harcourt or Manhatten.
    I take it that children accessing porn accidentally is the issue. Or is there something else going on here?
  12. techmati

    techmati Senior Member

    Jun 30, 2005
    Athens, Greece
    i agree. problem is that many parents know much less about computers than their children. ideally site blocking should be done at an isp level. but it is a very difficult technology to implement successfully.

    i see some entries in my site stats as

    i assume that means that aol does not know my site so it has to be unlocked for children using a connection with that parental control service. gives an idea how inept the technology really is. that would be quite effective indeed but hardly intelligent technology at all.