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New to this forum, wiring 12v Montego 3257

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by Robbabob, Oct 1, 2014.

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  1. Robbabob

    Robbabob New Member

    Oct 1, 2014
    Chattanooga, TN
    Hello all!

    Got our 1990 Montego 3257 in June and wanting some upgrades. First of which is an HDTV antenna. I want to put the booster in the port salon roll up cavity, but I need to get 12v there. I found a ton of wires behind and under the passenger seat up top, where the radio equipment resides, but I can't get in there to actually do anything.

    Can anyone tell me if I will gain access to the behind stowage area under the seat if I remove the seat? I know it sounds obvious, but I can't see any other way to gain adequate access to the electronics under there.

    I plan on using the radio circuit to power the booster. Let me know if you would not do this.

    Thanks in advance!