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New at YF...

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by YachtForums, May 26, 2008.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Hi all,

    I created several new forums to better categorize our topics and make it easier to locate the same. These are the new titles on the index page...

    1. Frequently Asked Yacht Questions
    2. Tenders & Dinghies
    3. Future Yachts/Concept Boats
    4. Licensing and Education

    I've moved most of the relevant threads into each of these forums, but I'm sure I missed a few. If you come across a thread that should be placed under one of these categories, please let me know.

  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Very good and logical categories.
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    While it will always be a work in progress, the desktop wallpaper project is complete. I originally planned to debut this in the summer of 2007... and here we are... going into the summer of 2008. Only one year behind! :rolleyes:

    I lost count of the hours, but in a previous thread, I guesstimated about an hour per wallpaper to P-Shop; add, fill, crop, size, adjust, tweak, curse, upload, stand back and question my sanity. As of today, we have 295 wallpapers available in 3 different sizes.

    RE: Screensavers... there are several free screensaver programs available. I use a simple download from Google, called the Google Updater. It provides several screen viewing options, such as Pan & Zoom, Wipe, Fade and Collage. You can also select the number of seconds to display an image.

    No matter what program you use, you should select and save your favorite wallpapers to a file. Start by going to the front page of YF, click on the builders of your choice, then select the wallpapers that give you the biggest smile. Next, click on the size that fits your monitor to open the full size image. Then, right click over the image and save it to the file you set up earlier. This will be the target file for your screensaver software. From here, it is easy to add or delete images that will be displayed by the screensaver.

    Another screensaver option... Kevin suggested using the screen saver built into Windows. Here's a copy of his previous post on the subject...

    I'm proud of the images we've collected for the wallpaper project. They are among the best images in yachting, shots that would grace the cover of any magazine. And now... they're on your desktop!

    Enjoy! :)
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    After extensive research into the origins of nautical words, we've created a new category to better educate our visitors. This is YF's unofficial guide to Nautical Terms...

    Special thanks to Kevin, Brian Eiland and Capt. Silva for the original enlightenment.
  5. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    What does everyone think about creating a place to post comments regarding vendors we've used (i.e. Yards, Engine Repair, Chandlers, Detailers, etc.)? This may go against the Forum rules for posting advertising and may also be hard to police.
    Perhaps this could be alleviated by only allowing senior members to post there??
  6. Seafarer

    Seafarer Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2007
    Hudson River
    This type of posting requires vigilant policing, even in the most well-intended venue.
  7. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I'm a firm believer in passing along the word, preferably good, but you get the rep you earn. However posting it in Forum would amount to an ad if good and slander if bad. Too risky.
  8. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I honestly don't see how it could be construed as either. The yachting business is ever-growing (regardless of the economy) so there are new support businesses popping up weekly. Some of these are fantastic and some are duds. I am very lucky in that I have a wealth of resources to call on for referrals (even these aren't always enough) but not everyone has those connections.
    Another problem is related to time- with the number of boats growing, the contractors are busier. Thus, the wait time for service can be a problem so I am sometimes forced to look for contractors that aren't well known. Many times, these are run by well trained techs from "Plan A" contractor and have seen the need to start "Plan B" contracting company. Many times they are just as good as "Plan A", and sometimes they are too overwhelmed with the business side of things and are un-reliable.
    This forum constitutes a great number of my trusted friends (even though I haven't met many of you) with whom I'd like to share my knowledge and experiences. It also seems like a good avenue for doing so.
    I guess I'm willing to take the risk and I assume the risk would be mine alone (as opposed to the Forums) since I am a full-disclosure member who posts using my name.
  9. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    I'm with Ken Bracewell on this vendor issue; it would be a useful tool.
    I'm not too worried about slandering anyone since I have been fortunate to have had mostly good people doing good work for me.
    And, as Mother suggested, "If you don't have anything good to say....." the duds will tend to find their own level anyway.
    For me and others, it would be good to know locally (in various locales)--say, from Stuart down to the Keys--who does what well and isn't busy out to July.
    I have a great local varnish guy, but he ain't going too far because he rides a bicycle(!)

    I had a simple haul-out last week in Palm Beach and was amazed at how busy the various yards were scheduled.

    Maybe, as Ken suggested, a spot here in the Forums just for Thems With A Need To Know?
  10. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Ken you have a great idea and in theory it sounds great. It is however something that is open to abuse and could easily.

    I am currently involved with a guy who is keen to do a similar thing to help owners of similar large yachts.

    One way might be to do it like they do at under the resellerratings section where all the comments are moderated before appearing online till posters reach a certain level ( in that particular section)This helps them stop a lot of spam from one or two post trolls.
  11. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    That is where my idea of only allowing "Senior Members" to post comes into play. In a way, it would be self policing since the regulars (we all know who we are) would spot a fraud well before that person gained Senior status. The moderators (and I would be glad to help) could then keep an eye out for abuse by those with posting rights.
    Carl, is this a pipedream?
  12. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Maybe a solution would be to have a separate section that requires a different log in where you have to have supplied some verifiable data about yourself that can be prove you are a genuine contributor and not a shameless self promoter.

    I am sure Carl knows who a lot more of us actually are than we know of each other.
  13. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I've thought about this for a long time. I've also posed this question to several of our Senior Members over lunch (you all know who you are). I have a long term plan with YF that will enable us to do this without repercussion and I've already started the migration process.

    In the meantime, there are many considerations. I am MOST concerned with liability. We have a relatively new media that if not properly guided, could be litigated. At the very least, anything of this nature would only serve to discredit the community we've built.

    I've had to overcome a certain amount of resistance to get the industry to consider our "open-to-the-public" format. It has been a huge undertaking and we are only... just in the past year or two... beginning to see the industry respect and accept YachtForums as a viable medium.

    All of the above said... I am listening to your suggestions. :)
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    One of my current employers has vented many times about the lack of honest reporting about yachts and equipement, etc. Everything published is a puff piece. There was a publication called "Powerboat Reports" which did an honest evaluation process, but they're now out of business. C.R. and Underwriters Labs can do it because they're huge. The is a major can of worms. I recently had a very bad experience with a vendor, and I'll keep my friends from making my mistake, but this vendor may have done right by others. If I were to publish my opinion I may be damaging someone who just did a bad job for me. Conversely, I've recommended people who've done good by me only to disappoint those I've referred to. Hate getting that call even though it's not my fault. We all have our reputations in our parts of the field and those who know us know what to ask us about. As tempting as it may sometimes be that should be kept between friends.
    P.S.- How many times have you recommended your favorite restaurant only to find they were too busy 6 months later because word got out?
  15. Arniev

    Arniev Senior Member

    Nov 1, 2005
    Monterey, CA, USA
    I agree with you.
    Posting comments (good and bad) regarding vendors YF members have used may be useful in general, but may also inadvertently harm the trust and camaraderie that you've worked hard to achieve. It's like opening up a can of worms.
    When controversy arises, it will be difficult to verify facts, and may even distract the attention of YF members and guests away from YF's primary objectives.
  16. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I completely understand the need on this issue and I want to find a solution. Ken and K1W1's suggestions are probably the best way to approach this, i.e. setting up a private forum for Senior Members. The information compiled here can be used to contact, possibly via the PM system, members who are looking for references or opinions on vendors & suppliers.

    This concept is nothing new. It's the fundamental reason that forums exist. Truth is... I've been doing this for a few years with buyers that prefer to remain anonymous. Atleast once or twice a month, a serious buyer contacts me for my opinions and direction. When I started YF, I never expected I would find myself in this position, but I can tell you this... a couple of yards (not listed on the front page) have lost some business.

    BTW... this whole "private forum" thing could become complicated, having to explain why certain people are allowed to view & post content... while others are not. Certainly, we want YF to benefit ALL of our members, but please keep in mind that some ideas need to be carefully considered. Case in point... this could put me between a rock & a hard spot.
  17. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Even PMs have some risk. As there will eventually be some busybody who will blab what he was told in a PM. Tricky business indeed ....

    no help Kelly
  18. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    The funny thing is that eventhough people ask for advice and opinions, most follow their initial ideas. Often based on seducing looks or price tags. This is why it takes two or three yachts before they have found what they really needed or wanted. I feel more sad than glad when people tell me; "I should have listened to you..."

    At the same time, it is quite a responsibility to recommend one supplier or service over another. Not only may things have changed without we knowing it, things may also change without notice....
  19. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Just brainstorming here...
    I would propose that everyone would be able to read the posted information- it's for everyone's benefit.
    Now as to the issue of limiting posting ability- that's what traditional print has done for years. In print publication the "posters" are employees of the magazine (thus couldn't say too much to upset advertisers) and other "posters" are via editorial so they are filtered by an editor (so the Senior Member idea is another form of filtration).
    This format may upset some folks (advertisers even) but I think it would boost traffic, regardless.
    One last thing- perhaps we could allow for junior members a chance for rebuttal if it were to be sent through a moderator. I say rebuttal because, it would be much easier to police self-promotion if they are only referring to allowed to comment on already-posted material.

    Carl- sorry to hijack the thread.
  20. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    You're docked one emoticon in your next post!

    I'm not concerned about advertisers on YF. We have carefully selected the builders that are present here and I believe they are among the finest in our industry. Let me go back a few years and explain a little about why I'm being so cautious...

    I began following forums about 15 years ago. It started with the newsgroups, long before forum software was developed. At the time, I was running two-page, full color spreads in 3 magazines and it was costing a fortune. When the newsgroups (the net!) came about, it gave me a venue to explain the benefits of the components I had developed and soon... I no longer had to advertise. The majority of my sales were being derived from newsgroups and the word of mouth that followed. And this was long before Google and powerful forum software was developed. Then came NSXPrime, Offshore Only, Scream & Fly and 100's of forums for every interest.

    Our industry (yachting) has yet to fully understand the power and reach of this media. Two years ago, I watched a couple of disgruntled ex-employees and one unhappy customer literally put one of the best boat builders in the world out of business. The Website: Off Shore Only. The Boat Builder: PowerPlay. You can point a finger for the reasons, but OSO was the catalyst.

    The reason I'm telling this story is because we need to be very careful about how we use this medium to influence perception and decision. Case in point, we have some members on YF that wield a very heavy sword. Kenny Bracewell and K1W1 are good examples. Kenny is one of the most notable and respected captains in our industry. K1W1... all I can tell you is he sits in the meeting rooms of decisions made on some very large yachts. And then he oversees the engineering and building of the same.

    These guys don't need YF to influence anything. They are already in contact with the right people... everyday. My concern is the one or two members (who we don't know) that may have an axe to grind. If you do nothing more than present reasonable doubt, you can set a movement in motion.

    These are just some of the things we must consider. BTW... thanks to everyone who is taking the time to chime.