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Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by CaptOlin, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. CaptOlin

    CaptOlin New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
    Kent Island, MD
    Hi All,

    This is a test of the "Edit" function.

  2. CaptOlin

    CaptOlin New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
    Kent Island, MD
    Hi All,

    This is a test of the "Edit" function. This is a new post and I am getting an "Edit" button. But apparently after 60 minutes all posts are permanently frozen and cannot be edited or deleted. This is a rather severe limitation.

  3. CaptOlin

    CaptOlin New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
    Kent Island, MD
    Hi Carl,

    I get you’re the logic but don't necessarily agree with it. Obviously you can't edit someone else's post and I've never seen a forum where you could. Yes, an author could go back and modify his post in a way that would change the dynamic of a thread. But in most forums whenever a post is edited it becomes a new post with a new date. The post isn't completely rewritten but the fact that it has been reedited is noted in the header. I'm not sure whether your forum re-dates an edit. It should but if the post is frozen after 60 minutes that probably isn't necessary.

    If someone uploads porn, etc. he could only do it on his own posts and since a re-edit becomes a new post it should get the same review as any new post. I assume that you would immediately block anyone who uploads porn.

    I was a scientist at NASA and as part of my duties wrote many large computer programs which were expected to be used by a large number of people. One thing I learned is that people rarely read instructions. And even those that do forget them quickly. To get around this problem we wrote in error messages so that any time a user violated a rule he received an immediate error message on the screen.

    When I tried to upload a picture that was obviously too big, the editor simply balked with no error message. I had previously uploaded pictures successfully and had read the limitation on size but had been away for a month and forgotten it. Anyway, without an error message, I was in a quandary as to what had happened.

    I write almost all my posts on my home computer, edit them and then upload them to the forum. Uploading takes only a few seconds. This saves me time and reduces the load on the forum. If you see me on the forum for a long time it's probably because I'm having a problem with the forum's editor. No two editors follow exactly the same rules so some changes to an uploaded file are almost inevitable.

    Twitters (one or two line posts), I sometimes write online. But I certainly hope to be able to write more than twitters. Unfortunately, with any substantive post there is a high probability that some edits may have to be made. I may even have to log off, check some facts, log back on and continue the post. Or the wife can interrupt me with some crisis that needs immediate attention. These interruptions can easily go beyond the 60 minute limit.

    One way to solve the problem with a post that I feel needs to be edited would be to simply delete it, edit it off-line, log back on and then re-upload the post. This would work within the 60 minute rule but after that I can't even delete it. This means that I would have to leave posts with erroneous data on the forum which may mislead readers. This is certainly something neither you nor I want to do.

    I'm still not completely familiar with the forum so perhaps there is a way to delete old posts. If there is, please let me know how.

    CaptOlin, 3/12/2013
  4. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Hello again Capt. Olin,

    It's good that you are getting the hang of YachtForums and how it works. I think you have perhaps discovered that this is not the internet free-for-all that most other forums are. This site is closely moderated by the site owner and a small group of yachting professionals. Frivolity is not tolerated and the rules are intended to be followed. After a while, it becomes second nature. Your contribution is welcomed and encouraged. We all slip up here and there. As for me, I do my best to have my thoughts and information together before I start typing. Like you, I have been caught by the disappearing edit button. The integrity of this site, it's contributors and moderators is what makes the information credible.
  5. CaptOlin

    CaptOlin New Member

    Aug 7, 2005
    Kent Island, MD
    Rules, Rules, Rules

    Hi SeaEric,

    I don't mind following rules. It's the unwritten rules that drive me nuts. So far as I can tell this "60 minute" rule isn't written up anywhere on the forum. If it is, it is well hidden.

    If I had known about it earlier, I probably wouldn't have gotten involved in the forum.

    I keep complete records of all messages from the YF Admin and in going back through them I find that most of the problems have occurred because the Forum is almost totally devoid of error messages. If you make a mistake the forum should respond with a message telling you that you made a mistake; but it doesn't.

    Also, getting into the specific forum you are interested in is a bit of a pain. You have to wade through a whole bunch of stuff you are not interested in to get at what you are interested in. Perhaps there is a shortcut. I'll have to look for it.

    We had a very good forum going for six years on the Boat US Forums site but when Boat US restricted it to Boat US Members the forum dried up and died. Members didn't want to pay the membership fee or be bombarded with Boat US advertisements. So now we are looking for a new home for our forum. Yacht Forums seemed like an obvious choice but now I'm not so sure.

    Yacht Forums is a good site but because it covers all types of yachts it may be too complicated. There are a number of companies now that offer canned Web forums. Pay the fee, add the title and away you go. This type of arrangement may be better. We could have a forum dedicated solely to Murray Chris Craft Constellations and related hulls which, I think, is what we want.


    PS: After a little searching I found "Forum Jump". This may be the feature I was looking for to get faster access to the Connie Forum. Unfortunately it is not in the opening pages where it would do the most good. Apparently you have to be in one forums in order to jump to another. You can't jump from the opening pages directly into the forum you're interested in.
  6. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    It sounds to me like you have already answered your own question.
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Dear Capt Olin,

    One of our "rules" is to keep threads on topic. I'm going to split the last few posts into a new thread title, then move them into the Yacht Club section for off-topic discussions.

    Next, we chose vBulletin's software for the basis of our forum because it is FAR & WAY the most advanced, most capable software of its kind. More importantly, it is the software used by 1000's of the most popular forums on the net. This makes it intuitive as you move between various forums ranging from automotive, to aviation or marine themes. It's kind of like using Windows OS. Once you know how to use it, you can operate any PC.

    In our offline correspondence, in which you complained about not having an edit function, I thought my explanation was sufficient...

    In your latest post, it seems your issues with YF aren't just limited to the amount of time we allow for editing, your apparently are not happy with a lot of the functions and features of YF. No software is perfect, but you may be overlooking a much more important aspect of YF... the knowledge of the members it attracts. This is not your typical Boat US customer or user.

    There is another feature of YF that I consider equally if not more important. Good coding! We're sitting on top of 90,000 yachting related keywords in major search engines. Over 14,000 lines of proprietary code underlie this site. So how relevant is this? I just did a search for the title of your original thread and it comes to the top of Google...

    Chris Craft Constellations by Murray, Uniflite & Pacemaker

    This is the same result for almost every thread on YachtForums. That's how powerful our coding is! Couple this with great people and YF is hard to beat. :)
  8. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The 60 minute edit begins the moment you hit the submit button, not when you open a new post window. You could leave the New Post window open indefinitely on your computer, then submit it when your text is complete.
  9. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Welcome to the forum. With only 14 posts, it's difficult to be comfortable or familiar with any forum. Take some time and get familiar with YF - you'll love it, unless you always focus on the negs - nothings perfect.
  10. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Did NASA get around the problem of the difference between metric and English units of measurement?

    Mars Surveyor '98 program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On a more positive note, you have much knowledge to share and only need to be bigger than the problem to solve it.

    You stated that
    Once you have transgressed to this website, you need to:

    click the following:
    Enter the Forums

    slide down to

    and click
    Motor Yachts

    slide down to
    Chris Craft Yacht
    and click it

    and then seek
    Chris Craft Constellations by Murray, Uniflite & Pacemaker

    Or, just click this link:

    Chris Craft Yacht - YachtForums.Com

    P.S. - Save the link to your Favorites :D

    It is and will be once you share the link with your fellow CC mariners. :D
  11. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Awww, C'mon Old Phart! Now you've just gone and ruined everything. Half the fun of being a curmudgeon is having the opportunity to grouse about stuff. No fair making things easy for us. Fortunately, in about 20 minutes we will have forgotten that we bookmarked that link, or where we saved it.
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    One cure when you don't like the way a site is run is to simply start your own forum. It's easy, takes up no time at all and is a quick way to riches. Right Carl?:D