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Marinas with moorings

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by Pelagic Dreams, Jul 20, 2012.

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  1. Pelagic Dreams

    Pelagic Dreams Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Land locked for now
    Just a quick question...on the average, how many quality Marina's also have moorings for those who don't need a dock and shore power? It would seem that they would still make a profit on fuel, dinning and the local economy of the port.
    From earlier posts I have found that with everything being considered being on the hook is cheaper in the long run than in the Marina.
  2. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    Well you have to have an area for the moorings- and that area may or may not have a marina. Traveling up and down the USA east coast in the 65 sportfish I visit no marinas which have moorings. If there are moorings the marina has little to do with them. It is cheaper to be on the ball, it's also much more of a hassle.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I ve seen few marinas which operates moorings as on the east coast moorings are often operated by the towns, or subcontractors different from private marinas

    Personally I prefer moorings to marinas, especially for overnight stops. Unfortunately between Newport RI and Miami, there are very few mooring fields capable of handling 70'. Even Annapolis has a 40 or 45 limit.

    A big Anchor is even more convenient... I rarely tie up more than 2 or 3 nights vs 20 or so nights on the hook when I do Nantucket - Miami
  4. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Around the LI sound area I wouldn't say its common, but they are around. Northport, Pt Jefferson, Essex, Dering Harbor, 3 Mile Harbor, Sag Harbor, Bock Island, Newport to name a few. We love to spend 2-3 nights at a mooring or anchor and then a night or two at the dock for reprovisioning, etc. Most places have a launch service so you don't often have to put he tender in unless you want to go exploring, etc. Out on the eastern end of the Island particularly, there is generally a very soothing breeze that runs thru the boat when the hatches are open - you miss that tied to the dock My hope is to someday spend the month of August in the fishtail of LI doing just what I described. Ahhh....
  5. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    But again many of these harbors have very few moorings once you get over 50 or 60'. For instance Newport only has 6 or 7 moorings for boats over 60... I ve rarely been able to get one in July / August.
  6. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC

    Dunno, I've seen some big stuff at mooring in Newport while the owner is away. But I do agree, that during those busy times you will always need to make ressies in advance. If we can't, our oversized danforth with an 8X scope is perfect. We luv BBQ'd ribeye with a cab....
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Yes the few big moorings in Newport are great but too few of them and they do not take reservations... First come first served. The view is is the best in town and you get buzzed by some incredible boats starting with the fleet of 12s

    Problem is that in Newport without a mooring you re stuck anchoring in the narrow and crowded space between the small moorings and the cable aera on the edge of the cove
  8. wandermariner

    wandermariner New Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    BVI and Rye, NY
    Moorings on the East Coast

    Mooring are more available in New England and Long Island Sound than in more southern climes. While many mooring fields are run by the municipalities, there are many private mooring fields as well and marinas and Yacht clubs (that don't require reciprocity) that offer moorings in addition to slips.

    Here are just some "off the top of my head" examples. If you want to know about specific areas, please let me know. I write marina guides that include mooring fields.

    Nova Scotia: Chester YC, Mahone Bay Civic, Lunenburg Historic Waterfront, Lunenburg YC, Brooklyn, Shelbrune Harbour, Killam Bros

    New Brunswick: Brundage Pt, Royal Kennebeccasis YC, Renforth, Rothesay YC, Evandale, Gagetown, Fredericton YC, Regent St., St. Andrews

    Maine: Eastport Lobster, Moose Island, Jonesport Ship, Winter Harbor, West Cove, etc., etc.

    What harbor are you interested in?