I'm very new too this sport. I'm looking to buy, and need some assistance making those choices and taking those steps. Would someone be so kind?
Absolutely, quite a few folks would like to assist you in buying. Perhaps you would be so kind as to specify what you want to purchase and if no money has to be transferred to a Nigerian checking account, you may get some help. On the other hand, if you are smart enough to have earned funds to purchase a yacht, you would also know how go about finding the expertise to assist you in the process. That being said, if you indeed have to search blind on the internet to find the yacht or the help to do the deal and if nothing pans out in your favor, I suggest you obtain the assistance of a qualified Yacht Broker: He or She will certainly lead you in the right direction.
Welcome to YF Dr. D. It appears from your other post that you're looking for something in th $17M price range. Generally in that arena people have a pretty good idea what they're looking for and have 'people' helping them. Do you have some specific questions you need answers to?
help Why are some so negative, I meet all kinds of people in the yachting business and you would be surprised at those who come to buy a boat and have absolutely no idea how it is done, what kind of boats are out there or the price of them. Obviously I must be missing something as I see nothing about a price range but NYCap123 mentions 17 million. Maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise and in the mean time try spell & grammer checking your posts and profile PS: big old boy walks into the office I worked in, checkered shirt, big boots and bib & brace coveralls (middle of the summer in Fort Lauderdale), all of the senior guys put there heads down not wanting to deal with a waste of time. I talked to him and turns out that he is the largest private coat miner in American, ended up selling him and his family 11 boats.
Dr D indicated an interest in the 150 ft yacht that is 90% complete ... That is where the $17M number came from. But sure ... I bought my first boat 4 yrs ago and didn't know a thing. So I agree ... Bring on the questions!
No negativity here, but a high degree of skepticism. Here's where the $17M came from.: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/super-yachts-150-over/3980-superyacht-sale.html (post #6). Old thread brought back to life by the good Dr.