I'm asking anyone in the Pacific Northwest and beyond involved in marine industry to submit a letter to the Premier of BC Gordon Campbell and to the president of UBC Stephen Toope urging them to stop plans to demolish the Ocean Research Centre in Vancouver BC. This is a test tank facility used extensively by architects and builders to test hullforms of various types. This is a terribly shortsighted decision just to build dormitories for UBC students. http://wwwibinews.com:80/ibinews/newsdesk/20070828152804ibinews.html Brian
*$&^@#!@$% Can't figure out how to get this link to work. I also have a new link to a new Vancouver Sun story but when I try to upload I get the invalid file message.
thanks Thanks Old One, I hope this works... http://www.ibinews.com/ibinews/newsdesk/20070828152804ibinews.html http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=3381541a-ba0c-41c1-896b-5141f167ec44&k=76703 I have written to the premier of BC; Gordon Campbell ( premier@gov.bc.ca ), President of the University of British Columbia; Stephen Toope ( presidents.office@ubc.ca ) and the BC minister for advanced education; Murray Coell ( Aved.Minister@gov.bc.ca ) This decision must be reversed