Hey all, new here so hello. I have recently taken a job as a skipper in Ibiza and was wondering if anyone could help me with what laws I should be adhering to? I am used to skippering in the UK and complying to the SVC code. What is the situation if I am employed by the owners to take them out? What laws/certificates should I ensure the boat has? Thanks for any help. Cheers
Just make sure you have the qualifications to skipper the boat. Make sure the boat insurance is up to date. Make sure your safety equipment is up to date. Are you a charter boat or is it private. If it is Charter make sure you have the charter licenses. If you have a RYA yacht master ocean certificate then you are fine as long as the boat is not Spanish flagged. Where is the boat flagged if it is ouside of the EU then you must look into when last the boat has been in the EU. If it has been in the EU for more then 18 months you might have to take the boat of the EU for a short while. Other than that you should be ok.
Thanks Graham, that is reassuring to hear you say. I am yachtmaster offshore qualified, and the boat is UK flagged, but in Ibiza at the moment. The owners have told me they are not chartering. I have been told they will be sending friends and family. If any of these people are paying to use the boat, I am not aware of it. So there is no registration issues or survey as in an svc? The rest of the safety kit is onboard such as liferaft, lifejackets, flares f.aid kit etc. Well that was easy. Thanks Graham.