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Introduction & Yachting Noob

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by nrobidoux, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. nrobidoux

    nrobidoux New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
    Westport, MA
    Hi All,

    I work in Newport, RI as I bartender in a few places. I guess the only place that might be recognized is the New York Yacht Club, but it was my coworker at Oceancliff that told me about yachting jobs. That was like 6+ weeks ago and it's been driving me crazy ever since. It's been driving him crazy even longer.

    I've been to college. I guess it didn't take as I've been bartending/landscaping for 10 years since my degree. I'm not a stranger to hard work. I'm looking for something that has a bit more adventure and probably the most appealing part.. a tax haven of sorts.

    Ideally I wanted a foreign flagged vessel... one that spent < 1 month in US waters. But for my first job I really dont care. I just want the experience. But if I get all those things I won't have to change boats :) (unless I don't like the boat I'm on). I was curious as to what sort of experiences people have had as deckhands/steward(esse)s. Things like how the average day went, how life was on the boat. I'm not looking for which ports/clubs you were at, famous people met,etc... the nitty gritty stuff is what I'm after :)

    I could go either but ideally I'd prefer the steward position as it matches better with my experience bartending and recently doing banquets @ the NYYC.

    Did you get your first job walking the docks or through a placement agency? Was it a foreign vessel? If you've been on multiple boats, how has the experience differed on boats of different lengths?

    I was talking with CrewFinders and they said I could probably get a delivery job from Newport to Ft Lauderdale for the IBS. (This was a week or two ago... I'd hate to think longer but it's a possibility) Unfort I'm all for adventure but I have bills to pay so I just couldn't up and leave all three jobs (in the process burn all my references) and head to the boat show with no job guarantee. That would be a disaster for my continued employment as a bartender in Newport if things didn't work out.

    Is STCW 95 a requirement on foreign-flagged vessels? Speaking with CrewFinders it looked as though it was a req if I wanted to be on a US boat in international waters... but what about FF boats? I was intending on taking the course Nov. 17 but it looks like my savings won't be enough at this point :( which is why I ask.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice.
  2. nrobidoux

    nrobidoux New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
    Westport, MA
    Is it a sign? I don't know but I was let go at one of my jobs today.... the one, and only one, that pretty much anchored me to NE. I was slightly saddened 'til I got off my tootie and looked at when the IBS is!!!

    Looks like I'll potentially be headed down there :D

    Please someone stop me if I'm delusional. I figured I'd take the chance. Unfortunately spontaneity doesn't leave much prep time.
  3. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Showing up in Ft. Lauderdale with the right attitude and a good work ethic is surely the best way to find a job.
    Start walking the docks and meeting people.
    Best of Luck.
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi, I think you should go to FLIBS and talk to people you meet there. Your first post with questions here, is a little too comprehensive to be answered without writing a book. Instead go to a good bookshop and look for books about crewing on superyachts, there are at least a couple of good ones I have browsed. You have Bluewater Books and Charts in both Rhode Island and Fort Lauderdale.