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Hello boat lovers

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by DannySchembri, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. DannySchembri

    DannySchembri New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
    Hello boat lovers, I am Danny Schembri an 18 year old Student of MCAST from Malta and I love big luxurius Yachts and have really love animals too :)

    My father is from England and he owns a yacht himself so he has knowledge of sailing on the Ocean, I registered because I have liking on boats and sailing altough I don't see myself becoming rich in my life or ever going on a boat ever, me and my mother live in Malta and rarely see my father and I don't have any recollections of being on his yacht tough.

    Here in Malta we have some rather great Yacht Marina's around for those who are interested :)

    Also thing to note I have Autism, I hope this won't be a problem to you or anyone tough :| I don't want to feel unwelcome here because I have autism, I will try my best not to hurt anyone else on this forum.

    Is every member here rich, sailor/marine or has been on a yacht/boat or there are people here who never been on a yacht/boat before or are regular people with regular lifes on this forum? my dad is rich but me and my mother are plain regular and I never been on a boat before so I don't know how it feels to be on one, let alone a Cruise ship.
  2. 1. That is already pretty nice imo to be here.

    2. your father is stupid and egoistic selfish to not share this wonderful life with you. But don't worry, here is also a step. At least you are in a port, which is already better than most here, in coutry side. And Malta Port is wonderful. Do spotting and tries to communication with someone there, just my recommendation.

    3. I know.

    4. IMO, this is not your fault and do not must be a not reason at all to join here. You are sincerely, and that's count on much. For me, you are welcome of course, but i do not run this site also. So let's see moderators opinions. It is a free forum and should not have any kind of discrimination. Flexibility with all members should have imo and until i know, there is few support here of Malta direct.

    5. no, most not, but has some few owners of boats, others crew members, other just enthusiasts like you and me, which would like one day to be there.... dreaming!

    Hope you enjoy the site. :)
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Welcome to YF Danny. You've got every type of person you can imagine here, just as you do in the real world. You've got the rich, the poor, the physically or mentally powerful and the in firmed. You've also got the nice and not so nice as well as the smart and... well, you get the point. Some here are living their dream, some here are dreaming their lives and some more live in a nightmare.

    You'll get no sympathy from me for your autism. It's just a challenge you have to face. We all have them in one form or another. My life has gotten better every day since I was 17 although, if I listed the facts, many wouldn't agree. It's all a matter of what we do with what we have.

    YF is a collection of yachting (and boating) enthusiasts,experts and novices. Sounds like you fit the bill. Scan the different threads and learn. If you have a question, ask. If you have something to say, say it. Understand that you have many very knowledgeable experts involved here. Sometimes they are less than patient. That's part of life. You also have some that post stupid questions and statements. That too is part of life. This is a mature forum though. That. more than your autism will be your biggest stumbling block. So read on, learn and enjoy. Contribute when you can. You'll find as you pass through life that most who have money and large yachts didn't start out that way, and that that is not the measurement of happiness. Boats are just fun, and for some of us they are our livelihood. So, once again welcome.
  4. DannySchembri

    DannySchembri New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
    Oh OK, I have met people like so in real life and dealt with them as everybody did too, aswell as I have friends from the MCAST school currently I am attending to, hopefully to one day will get a good job that grant's me decent money and good times but I don't think this is for YF to discuss.
  5. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Wow, NYCap - your response gets my vote for your best post :D

    Welcome, Danny. Lots to learn and lots to enjoy. You probably have more to contribute to this forum than you expect.

    (I'm a yacht broker)
  6. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Ditto to Judy's sentiments, NYCAP, good response.....for a "romantically challenged cynic, or is that a cynically challenged romantic?...";)
    Danny, rich does not equate to much when all is said & done, especially after a turn of events like the world has just had. Very often the people who get to enjoy boats the most are the ones who don't chase the money & therefore have the time & spirit to enjoy them.
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    ..... +1 (excellent summation!)
  8. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Welcome to the forum. If you come in earnest you will do just fine here. There are many kind members here that offer helpful and interesting information with regularity. Passion transcends any challenge you may face; Your condition of Autism makes you no less capable of contribution here than my condition of having no boat! We all have something to learn from each other!
  9. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That's hysterical given your screen name.:D :D :D Then again I wouldn't own one if it were given for free.:D :D :D
  10. DannySchembri

    DannySchembri New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
    You're not the only one bigboatbill, neither me or my mother own a boat except my father in England which we rarely visit anyway.

    It always got me trough, how much would it cost to rent a small yacht like those ones from the yacht marina? not a big one like those of the riches.

    Not that we're going to rent one tough, just asking, I know one of my teacher's at MCAST have rented one last summer.
  11. revdcs

    revdcs Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Fowey in Cornwall
    Welcome Danny – I’m sure you will like it here and feel at home very quickly.

    If you like beautiful yachts, the classic yacht 'Talitha' is sitting at anchor in Grand Harbour right now, just off Fort St. Angelo.
  12. revdcs

    revdcs Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Fowey in Cornwall

    This is a very arrogant and insulting statement to make concerning someone you don’t know and with whose circumstances you are not familiar. Please keep such thoughts to yourself.
  13. maybe, but if his father made him and has 'the' conditions, he should have helped the guy more, but anyway is not my business at all and don't know the reasons of course. If he brought the cause publically, it had the opportunity others giving an opinion as well. The statement he made, seems he suffers a lot about mainly in head and miss more from his father supports. On other side, it is only his familiar problems. I can tell it, because my father didn't supported my brother in same way when he could and the hurts pain are still there in someway. So i understand this guy concerns 100%.
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    How about those Boston Celtics?...Oh yeah...YACHT Forums.
  15. revdcs

    revdcs Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Fowey in Cornwall
    Good. But as you say this is none of your business. Danny gave us that privileged information to enable us to better understand where he is coming from. He didn’t do it invite a public attack upon his father. We are here to support and encourage Danny in his new found passion.

    As NYCAP says these are YACHT Forums. Let’s stick to yachts and avoid making derogatory comments about any individual’s family members.
  16. exactly, it is how i thought and supporting him positive to make his own own. Maybe does not seem, but i just suggested him in this way to do his own track appreciating yachts like i do as first step in his life in a wonderful port, a kind of stimulation. Then if things change is destiny matter only. I really don't understand why you are doing a storm in a cup of water about that. so I please ask you to go back in ships/yacht/boats thematic only. As you own said to follow NYCAP, why you took this parallel topic first attacking me and not kept only the boat thema, ignoring that ? It means you only brought this discussion hot up about a statement of my personal thought, keeping this going further. But doesn't matter what you say now about, i am gonna ignoring. ;)
  17. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Yeah, that is a bit ironic.....I chose my screen name due to the fact that my parents tell me my first inteligable words spoken as a child were, "Big Boat"!
    Not much has changed with me in the past 40 years!:D

    Pray tell; Why wouldn't you take a free boat?
  18. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Been on boats since I was 6. 22 years professionally. On boats about 1/2 the year. I go on board wondering what the next thing to break will be or will this one try to kill me. Even going out with a friend is like going to work for free. On my day off I'd rather ride my bike or dig a ditch. Besides, I have enough things draining my wallet. Truth is though that it's an addiction. If I couldn't make my living on them I'd probably have to buy one...God forbid. Hopefully a friend would put be down before that happened.:D
  19. bigboatbill

    bigboatbill Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    Decatur Alabama
    Thanks for the honest and humorous admission! I can understand where you are comming from. I have always heard that boats are holes in the water and the two happiest days of a boaters life are the day he buys her and the day he sells her!

    My imagination is seduced by the idea of spending time on the water, and lately I have been considering buying a very small sailboat or even perhaps a flatbottom with a very small engine. I too have multiple forces tugging at my wallet and am trepidacious about any more expendatures or work.

    I told my business partner today that we needed to make more money so that I could afford a boat and a Corvette. He replied, "But you already have a Corvette". To which I replied " Then I need a boat"!

    I enjoy this forum and others similar to it because they allow my imagination to go boating on all size vessels all over the globe. I have heard that the realization of a dream brings an end to the dream. I will probably stay in dreamland a while longer....Besides, if i buy a one of the aforementioned boats I will have to change my screen name to "Smallboatbill".:D
  20. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Well said...