I took my 24" x 24" x 1 3/4" Hawboldt Mega 4 bronze props in for a prop scan. The business owner had a low opinion of Hawboldts overall. Nibral material would be preferred for strength/weight but the Hawboldts add thickness to the bronze to prevent flexing. The initial report is that my 4 blade props were fairly well balanced going in, still the business is unimpressed with the manufacturer. Anybody with real life experience care to comment?
I can't think of anyone who'd have a better opinion than a prop shop (assuming it's a reputable shop). Hawbolt seems to do a lot of commercial props. A beefier prop may be more desirable for commercial operations where they push large weights and go where they need to go (logs, ice, shallow water). For recreational use the Nibrals are probably more efficient. That's not to say one is bad and the other good. My guess is that you'll do better if you clip something, but not run as efficiently.
Sorry for the delay in replying. I'll bet you are on target with your observations. They may not be as efficient but would probably take more abuse. I hope I never have to test the latter. Thanks
Just had Hawboldts pulled and they have severe metallurgical issues and cannot be repaired (unable to weld). They are seriously thick and heavy, built like a tank, but Replacement Teignbridge are works of art in comparison. ..well this is what my Captain says
Lets look at why your props were ate up before you loose a fine Teignbridge set. Any fair to good wheel just does not deteriorate. Slipped close to a bunch of poorly maintained boats on the far dock? Are you leaking current into the water?
I believe it is electrolysis, we had issues at dock in Canada. I also suspect our slip in SC had issues, we did find a neutral leak from the pedi stall, but zincs have held up well. Now she is Florida and had her checked for any issues.
Galvanic erosion issues may not be from your boat but the rig next to you, drawing from your boat. Good luck with the new wheels and let us know how they work out.
Thank you Ralph, I need all the help I can get, but there is the assumption the a gal knows nothing...but I know men, escaping COVID on your yacht is darling.. I think the Hawboldts are solid bronze, not Nibral, that maybe explain the weight. Teignbridge can make new props to exact specs and delivered to US at similar local cost but take 5 weeks.
I was speaking of the OP's size, who also has a damaged Humbolt prop and needs a new set. So judging by the two of you, they must not be as durable as they claim.....I'll take a set of VEEM's......
Dude, the OP was from Feb, 2015. We need to welcome Vicky V, new member with a new Hawboldt story. I'm sure learning to open new threads will come as more stories are shared.