Looking at the Hatteras 63/64 my and 75 my A 15-20 year old boat seem to be relatively similar in price however much different in design and performance certainly space and repairs favor the 75 however if i am cruising at hull speed with occasionally outrunning a storm it is hard to spend the same for the 64 why wouldn’t I buy the 75 vs the 64 is it resale or just a superior design? any feed back will be helpful
#1 Boat insurance. Over 20 meters just doubled or more your premiums (if you can find any). How many crew will you have to help? The 75 requires one more at the docks. Larger engines, more environment issues, slip fees, maintenance area. If you must have the square footage and/or cabins would be the important question next.
The 64' is a newer boat and MUCH faster, they'll cruise over 28 knots with the larger 1650HP C32's.......newer......much smaller than the 75'......easier to handle than the 75' when it comes to docking.......newer systems......newer looks.....75' looks dated......the 64' handles very well at hull speed.