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getting your foot in the door

Discussion in 'Yacht Crews' started by Modern Aquaman, May 15, 2008.

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  1. Modern Aquaman

    Modern Aquaman New Member

    May 15, 2008
    Central Florida
    Well, I'd like to start off with a little back story, more than likely completely unnecessary, but here it goes.

    I'm 17, about to graduate high school, less than a month left, and recently I discovered the profession of Charter Yacht Captain, and I'm so interested in working my way to that one title one day, but sadly, I have no clue how to go about doing this, I figure I have to start off at the bottom of the ladder, deckhand or something, and I gladly will do that, but I'm sure how to even going about getting qualified for that, and sadly the internet doesn't seem to have a clear cut answer for me.

    So sorry if this was the wrong spot to ask this, but hopefully somebody can point me in the write direction.
  2. GalvBayTex

    GalvBayTex New Member

    May 11, 2008
    Kemah, TX
    I too am just getting started in the industry,and this is what I would recommend:

    I would say first thing is for you to get your STCW '95. It's offered by many Captain's schools and usually takes a week and costs just under $900.00. From there you'll want to check crew placement offices, job websites and the like to start working. Do a Google search for a school near you that offers STCW or check Ft. Lauderdale as it is somewhat of the Yachting Capital of the World. I myself went to IYT, International Yachtmasters Training, on 17th street in Ft. Laud. Call them @ 1-954-779-7764.
  3. Modern Aquaman

    Modern Aquaman New Member

    May 15, 2008
    Central Florida
    Thanks Tex, so is the STCW 95 the only qualification I need to get hired onto a boat and start working my way towards a mate?
  4. GalvBayTex

    GalvBayTex New Member

    May 11, 2008
    Kemah, TX
    I would say "yes", but check with the school as they always can provide you with a career path. Often after you sign on with a yacht the owner may pay for your further training and licenses as part of your compensation.

    Other things that I've heard are desireable are: non smoking, clean cut and no tatoos.
  5. Modern Aquaman

    Modern Aquaman New Member

    May 15, 2008
    Central Florida
    Alright, perfect, I was looking up a school, Maritime Professional Training in Lauderdale, anyone know if this is legit? Just want to make sure.
  6. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    That is where I've done all my training and sent all my crew.
  7. Modern Aquaman

    Modern Aquaman New Member

    May 15, 2008
    Central Florida
    Wow, Ken Bracewell in my topic, awesome, I have been to your website a few times and read a lot of your posts here on the forums, nice to meet you.

    Anyways, thanks for letting me know.

    So another question that popped up, am I ever going to get hired if I have absolutely no experience working on a boat with just this single certification? or am I going to have to get some other type of training?

    Thanks for the help everyone, I'm sure these questions have been asked her plenty of times before, and I read some of them, but just wanted to make sure for myself.
  8. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    First, I would suggest that you do a search on this Forum which will answer many of your questions.

    The next thing is showing your level of commitment; STCW Basic Safety Training is a good start. After completing that training you'll need to jump off the cliff and head to a yachting center to find work. To be honest, I generally try to interview candidates that are in the immediate area before I even consider candidates elsewhere. Ft. Lauderdale is a good choice for the fall and winter but most boats are headed elsewhere now.
    I've heard that many boats will be staying state-side (i.e. New England) this summer due to the state of the US dollar, but the major yachting capital in the summer is Antibes, France.

    Best of luck!
  9. Modern Aquaman

    Modern Aquaman New Member

    May 15, 2008
    Central Florida
    Thanks so much, I plan on doing the course hopefully early July, to be ready to head down to Lauderdale in August and September looking for work. Until then I suppose its time to save up for the course.
  10. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Take August to enjoy the summer. Boats won't really start to arrive back in Lauderdale until about a month before the Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show (October) because of the threat of hurricanes. Also save some money to support yourself while you're looking for daywork. It may be slow to come until you've had a chance to prove yourself, so you might want to have enough savings to live for a month or two.
    You will want to stay in a crew house so you can network with people in your same situation. Those can be found on the internet or in one of the two industry publications (PM sent).
    Again- good luck.
  11. Modern Aquaman

    Modern Aquaman New Member

    May 15, 2008
    Central Florida
    Ah Alright, so better to go looking in september down there, I see. Thanks for the pm, about to go check out those crew houses, I've read a bit about them earlier. Hopefully I can find some cheaper ones then the few I was looking at haha.

    As always thanks again.