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Gasparilla Chaos

Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by Billy1119, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. Billy1119

    Billy1119 Senior Member

    Jan 23, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    While taking pictures wasn't my top priority on Saturday, as I was trying to avoid getting run over by all the people who can't drive, I did get a few and though I'd share some of the chaos. We didn't take the Sunseeker out, just a couple of us in the little 19 foot bow rider. This certainly wasn't the worst I've seen it - seemed a little more controlled this year with fewer boats than some past years (I'm guessing). Anyway, enjoy...

    Attached Files:

  2. Billy1119

    Billy1119 Senior Member

    Jan 23, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    A few more...

    Attached Files:

  3. Captddis

    Captddis Guest

    It seemed a little smoother going up the channel this year, still stressful. At least for me. Every year I get stuck running a 61 MY for a cust. A new Viking next to us got scraped but we made it through. Was so busy I missed the flashers!
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    In speaking with Troy Raszka, the marketing director for Lazzara, he mentioned the waterway traffic between Dunedin and Tierra Verde was starting to look like US-19. I can see now... he wasn't kidding! :eek:
  5. Billy1119

    Billy1119 Senior Member

    Jan 23, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    I agree is seemed smoother this year... With regards to the Viking getting hit- we got hit in our 53 Hatteras a few years back that did a decent amount of damage (nothing serious though). Guess who hit us... One of the Coast Guard Auxiliary boats that was patrolling!!! He got turned a little sideways, and to avoid hitting a boat on my port (CG boat was between us), he threw it into reverse and backed right into my port side. I looked back and he was out of control literally spinning as he trailed off behind us. Ridiculous...

    This is one of the reasons we're reluctant to take the Sunseeker, even though we could stay out of the traffic.

    Anyway, hope you had a good time even though you were working. There's worse work you could have been doing. :)
  6. Captddis

    Captddis Guest

    I think you did the smart thing. I would not take my boat there. The native Tampans treat it like a pilgrimage. Definately more fun as a spectator! I have run a few different boats for the madness about 12 times. Every year I say that I won't do it next year and always give in. 2 years ago I was holding position between the convention center and Harbour Island in the lagoon off the channel. The Suncruz turned right into the crowd and just started plowing boats out of the way. They scraped along our side as well as a bunch of others. I had no escape as I was boxed in. Not much damage, but royally ticked me off. I tried to track the owners down but to no avail. All the boats are foreign registered and always seem to be in bankruptcy. The owner of the Hatt brushed it off and told me not to worry about it. Of course all his family always want me toget closer to others to throw beads! Dave
  7. brandonw

    brandonw Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    Nice pictures:D
  8. Billy1119

    Billy1119 Senior Member

    Jan 23, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    Thanks! I saw your 68 out there. I was right next to it for a little while, actually. Didn't get any pictures of it though (I should of thought of it!).
  9. brandonw

    brandonw Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2006
    Tampa, FL
    I was just about to ask you that. We are glad we didn't get any damage, we just lost a lot of beads!!!