I came across this today, surprised I haven’t seen it mentioned and even more surprised city official would attempt to pass this in the self proclaimed yachting capital Pretty draconian to say the least as it would limit dockage to one boat for every 100’ section of shoreline, prohibit the renting of docks and limit maintenance to the point where only cordless tools would be allowed outside. No more electric buffers! any info on this?
https://fortlauderdale.legistar.com...079&GUID=062751E6-FB34-481D-B4CE-BBD082FBB0D6 https://fortlauderdale.legistar.com...071&GUID=8B568DBE-267F-41E4-AF6A-4EC5E501AA1C
Looks like boat maintenance cost and dockage are going up big time in Lauderdale. What are they going to do with all the boats moved for the FLIBS?