It looks like I may need to replace my exhaust riser on the sb engine. Not sure what will be needed part wise? Can just part of the exh riser be replaced? As you can tell I'm not that familiar with the exhaust risers. I'm continuing to get the black dust particles in the rear section of the engine well. If I do need one who would be the recommended supplier.
If you are speaking of the shower heads I had mine replaced 2 years ago by an outfit in Riviera Beach. Might have been Marine Exhaust Systems. Both of mine were 17,000 not installed with a mark up from a yard. I am pleased thus far. There is also Deangelo who is well thought of as well. You might have a stamp on the riser with a number and the manufacturers name. That would mean you could give them the number and they could reproduce the riser and still use the boat while they are being maid. Mine weren’t stamped so i had to take them off and send them in. The turnaround time was 3 weeks i think.
Skip, I did my Cabo's risers last winter. The OEM supplier for Cabo was Marine Exhaust Systems in Riviera Beach. Stamped on the flange of your risers there will be a serial number that you can give them and see if they have your specs already in their Computer. Mine were in the system and I kept my existing risers and just had them send me new risers which were a perfect fit. Addtl parts needed for the job are minimal. They will provide a gasket and some washers. I picked up new nuts and bolts locally of the appropriate grade for high temp. I believe it is grade 8. That is about it. The Silicone hose is most likely still in good shape. I replaced the 2 inch hose that feeds water to the shower head from the gear cooler during the project as well as all the small T bolt clamps. Addtl parts needed to do the job is minimal and the job itself is not complicated but rather labor intensive and will require 2 people. My father and I did the job with little issue and process went smoothly. I only have 1 riser per engine being I-6 and that made for much lower overall cost and half the work. Highly recommend you do the project during your offseason when you can take your time and not be in a rush. I would just bite the bullet and do both now and be done with it for another 10-15 years. Here are a few pics of just the starboard side. I can send you some addtl pics offline and talk in more detail if you would like.
We had a customers MAN dump can start leaking. It was a bad weld. You could see the poor bead and splatter still on the pipe most covered by the hard back cover. MES expressed no shame on their bad weld. the 3 other cans are still perfect. However, they did take a request and moved the support pad-eye perfectly and turned around quickly for minimum down time.
I would replace the hoses as they are old age wise and are they going to last another 10-15 years, and I would do exhaust risers for both engines. If one is bad, the other engines aren't far behind it.
That is 4 dump cans. Ouch $$$. If your not a power-ball winner, just keep an eye on them. The water jacket is beyond the hump. Water is not coming back into the engine. The blue hoses you can inspect when the can is off. Determine then if you need new exhaust hoses looking in side for blisters. The raw water hoses to the can from the HEs, I think Brian replaced them a bit ago. Look them over well. You will need new -S hose clamps. When it comes to larger hose clamps, always replace them including the raw water hose clamps at the cans when you take anything apart.
PM YF member Jorge Lang now with MSHS but many years with DeAngelo and a true one man marine exhaust encyclopedia.