After changing the fuel return check valve will the rack have to be run or will the engine still be able to fire up?
Fuel return check valve? Located where? As long as the control rack, governor, any injector or any idle buffers were touched, there is no need to run the rack. If your thinking of bleeding injector tubes, primer pumps usually take care of that. If I seem off base, give us some more info of what was done in detail.
I need to replace the fuel return check valve only. The valve is located on the return line down stream of the engine near the fuel selector valve. I will not touch the rack, injectors, governor or idle buffers. I was wondering since this will release pressure on the system and allow some fuel to escape, will the engine be able to prime itself? Maybe by shutting the fuel selector valve off it will hold the prime?
Of course your going to close all valves to reduce any chance of spill. Naw, the mains will light rite back up. No worries. Luv those 92s but 71s rule. ,Ralph
I can not make out your ships picture well (my old computer and small screen). Would that be another ole Bertram? ,rc
I've also seen on several yachts, those primer pumps that look like a smaller black coffee can cause air to get into D.D. fuel lines. They have a couple of plastic check valves on either side of the pump that go bad.