Possibly need to descale all sea water systems again. Has anyone set up valves In line ? So u don’t have to keep pulling stuff apart evrytime Looking for some info to make this job easier. Just had marina do it a few month ago. But seems to be plugged up again. Ac units showing hi ps there is nothing on this biat that pumps above the water line. So everything seem to be more difficult.
Welcome aboard. Question, could you be sucking air? The high temp alarm comes on at dock or while running the boat or both? Can you see the water flow from AC exiting the hull (below water line or above waterline)
I am assuming you are talking about your A C systems. If done correctly, chemical cleaning of AC lines should only be required 3 to 5 years. You may have just picked up something outside the thru hull. A strainer or hose sucking air. Hose could of kinked or maybe some sediment got sucked up and a simple back wash will do. Keep it simple first before the chemicals come back out so soon.
+1 Had an issue on one yacht where everything seemed to be working, but water flow was inadequate. Turned out that the pump impellor had wasted to something looking like more holes than metal.
You may not need to descale again. I have often seen obstructions in a hose, including small dead shells which just pile up at a fitting and inside the manifold. Pull hoses from the manifold and look inside. and yes a dMeister mentioned if you have a pu p with a bronze head and impeller they do erode overtime reducing flow
Please search and read Pascals other post on bronze water pumps. He is most correct in his recommendations on mag/drive, synthetic water pump heads.