ray tri data, 12 years old... Has worked perfectly all these years. For the last couple of days, it looses the bottom in shallow water, where I obviously need it the most. Works fine in 12 to 15 of water or more. Speed not an issue , reads the bottom at 20+ but looses it under 10' even stopped. Voltsge is good, nothing done on the boats recently. Went for a swim, xducer nice and clean. Of course, of all places this would happen... Coming in the Devils Backbone! Going to double check the wiring but I doubt that's the issue. Is the xducer just getting old?
Yes, transducers do wear out and after 5-7 years start getting flaky and not holding bottom as well, etc. I usually replace them at around 7-8 years for the machines like yours that just read the bottom for shallower water. But I'd also replace the Raymarine head unit and try to get something that has chirp technology.
Just bought a new transducer, even though the other one is only 2 years old. Sometimes they just seem to die. And it was a bloody expencive one too.
Does your depth finder have a setup menu that perhaps lost all of the settings, perhaps the internal battery has gone bad and all the setting have been lost?
No it's a basic unit with limited option. I thought th xducer was getting tired... Goin to be fun to change has it must have been installed before the generators went in. I can see it but I can even reach it. Will have to hire a small skinny guy...
There is an emergency override available for that model. It is a length of line with knots marked with different colored thread at regular known intervals and a weight on the end . Drop it down till it hits bottom and see which knot is closest to the surface when you start to pull up. You do have to be going slow with this method to get the best results.
Oh, and KIWI,I've just done a little count back. We've been mates for almost 30 years. I want my money back.
Is it worth abandoning the old unit and location and installing a new one that is accessible ? Mine can be replaced from inside the bilge.
I 2nd the shoot through the hull for now idea, at least until your next haul. If you aren't marking fish and just need depth readings it will do just fine.
Do you have any other transducers that could interfere? I have a depth sounder and forward looking sonar, and if both are on at the same time I will loose the bottom when it's shallow....
No only one. Got back to Miami and will haul out within a couple of weeks, it s almost time for bottom paint anyway.