I recently acquired a 2006 Carver 38 SuperSport - and as this is my first "large" boat - I'm slowly working my way through learning the ins and outs of operation. One thing that has me stumped is the operation of the blower motors. With the ignition key off, and the four switches at the DC panel at the helm switched on for the blower motors, the rocker switch will operate (on/off) the blower motors just fine. Once the ignition has started, the rocker switch no longer has any effect on turning the blowers on or off. I can only turn them off using the four switches at the DC panel. Are the blowers designed to be on during ALL operation of the engines? Is this a safety feature? Or should the rocker operate the blower motors independently of the ignition switch? Thanks for any help - Joe
With most of the gas boats I run you can turn them on at either location (helm or panel), but you have to turn them off at the same location. DK there's any reason for this other than the switches aren't connected on the same circuit. I'd recommend using the switch at the helm unless you're hanging overnight while using the gen. And yes you can run them all the time, unless the noise bothers you. However, shut them while fueling as they may actually suck fumes into the bilge. Some gofast boats actually need them on for air exchange while running, but yours is not one of them. I usually recommend that you come on board, turn on the batteries and the blower, and do your engineroom check. By the time you're done the blowers should have done their job (4 minutes). When you finish fueling turn them on and go pay. By the time your back that 4 minutes should be done. Good luck with your new boat, and welcome to YF.
My Carver is a bit earlier (2001), but you should be able to operate the blowers from either position. This way, if you are underway and in an idle zone, you can flip the blowers on from the helm. As stated, whatever switch turns them on has to turn them off, but all should work all the time.