I am half way through a refit of the topsides of my 1973 Matthews and need a recommendation on bedding compound. The stuff used over the years has proven less than satisfactory and hard as hell to remove. Does Dolphinite or Dolchem fit the bill?
Dan Give us an idea of the materials involved and if it needs to ever come apart again. 5200 is near forever. For stanchions, I have found 4200 ( 4 200 ) to offer a serviceable bedding. Tape it off, apply, set it in place but do not tighten. Keep in mind your trying to make a level, even thickness adhesive gasket. Get a rum or wine and come back, remove the tape after the 4200 has flashed. Do not touch the screws yet. Come back the next morning, pull your screws one at a time, reapply 4200 to the screws and reinstall one at a time, then tighten them all down evenly. You can not just tighten the screws the next morning without damaging the gasket made the night before. You must re-apply fresh glue to the screws. The fresh glue will also act as an lubricant and help get the screws in tighter. The 4200 from the night before is now under the best compression / bond you can get and the screws have fresh glue sealing them down. If it's never coming apart again (EVER, EVER), then use 5200. Sunny side up, rc
I am bedding all the usual stuff, rub rail, lights, stanchions, etc. The hull is glass and house is wood. I ordered a quart of Dolphinite which I think is appropriate for a 40 year old lady. She is looking good and should be exceptional with fresh Awlgrip.
Obviously you are going to paint before bedding, the Alwgrip won't like the Dolfinite. I've found butyl rubber in strips to work well, never dries out (Dolfinite will), not hard to remove when needed.
Let's link to one of the best bedding with butyl tape tutorials. The basics also applies to other compounds.
Thank you Chasm! I have seen this tutorial and applied these principals with good results. With thru bolted fittings, butyl tape is superior to anything in a tube. For fittings on varnished rails, as well as teak trim permanently mounted to gel coat, I use Dolphinite.
Just a tiny bit opinionated. Still, the article contains a lot of valid in formation even if you use other compounds than butyl tape. Like the quip about backing plates and life line stanchions. The other articles are also quite good but for some, esp. the fail section, you may need a working sarcasm detector.