While trouble shooting why my new Nova Kool 12 volt fride won't operste properly, I have discovered that I only have 11.4 volts coming from my battery bank. I'm told that my problem is most likely the 25 year old battery charger. I have a bank of 3 - 12 volt deep cylce batteries on board. What would your recommendation be for a new battery charger. Thanks
Assuming your boat is not a Mega Yacht, I would go for one of those. Best stuff on the market both in Europe and the US. This equipment will outlast you and your boat . And if your batteries are of the same age than your charger, kick them out too and get new batteries of modern technology. Just my 2 (Euro) cents
We have been big fans of MasterVolt stuff. Installed many = many happy customers. No hits against Victron. They fixed their inverter relay problems and not heard of a complaint since. Xantrex you want to keep (run) away from.