Since upgrading YF to Php5, a strange quirk has caused some avatars to be displayed as a blank white box. So far, I've found only two members affected; Capt. Bill11 and Shazam, but there may be more. I'll try to find the fix when I get caught up on a very long To-Do list.
This will test my avatar. I just changed my avatar graphic. Let's see. Still isn't showing properly. I uploaded a 100 by 100 pixel JPG.
Yep, I've had a problem with my avatar since day, it hardly ever appears with my posts. This white box thing is new though.
Your avatar has always displayed for me Mike, but the blank box is causing me a blank stare. I've tried uploading different avatars for each of you guys, but as 'roundthehorn has just shown us, it's not related to the pic, just the member. This is the first time I've seen anything like this and I'm almost certain it's a database query related issue. I'll have to do some research on it, but right now I'm in full-time flight mode, preparing for take-off on July 11th.
I think, that might be a bug caused by having characters like ! ' . etc. which they all have in their user names, I guess the query line includes the user name as the folder source of the image. So maybe if you try having their images load from another file and see what happens. Just a thought. Good luck with your take-off. Cheers,
Bingo Alfred! I removed the characters and the avatars displayed. Gentlemen, we have a genius in the ranks.
Great, it worked! All systems (Except Linux and Unix) have something with characters in database entries, especially microsoft. Since you can change user name... Can you change mine? Glad to be helpful. Cheers,