Curious if they had good attendance or brokerage sales of note. This is a bellweather of things to come in Annapolis and Ft Laudedale.
I am not sure of numbers but atendance seemed on par with previous shows, and there seemed to be a lot of serious people there on Thursday and Friday, not your usual group of tire kickers and baby strollers. Not sure how the brokers faired but all that I spoke with seemed pretty positive.
My old boss was up there and sent me the following e-mail: guess what Aicon Bertram Cabo Carver Cranchi Fairline Ferretti Formula Hatteras Marquis Meridian Neptunus Nordhaven Ocean Ocean Alexander Regal and Sealine have in common. that's right. none was in Newport. and while Azimut, Sea Ray, Sunseeker, Tiara and Viking were there, they had an average of two boats each in the water. i kid you not. the show was the smallest i've ever seen. all the slips behind the Newport Harbor Hotel that in prior years had been used by the show for the trawlers and other powerboats were empty except for some transient hotel guests. overall, i'd say the show was 25% smaller and, as the number of sailboats was about the same, that means the number of powerboats was down by a third.
Consumers stopped consuming by 60-80%, builders have stopped building and late model used boat prices have fallen 30% since the summer of 2008 if you are lucky. Ft Lauderdale has cut dock space. Pier 66 is no longer part of the show but lots of brokerage boats will be there at the reduced dockage. Not sure how far north of los olas the show ill go this year
If that indicates a trend back to (motor-)sailers, away from gas-guzzling floating hispeed fridges, I could happily live with it ever after ...