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Anti fouling paint, atop coal tar epoxy?

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by roamertim, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. roamertim

    roamertim Member

    Sep 26, 2005
    Cincinnati Pool, Ohio River
    Hello Fellow Roamers!

    Pulled my 1969 38' Aluminum Regal this week, finding lots of corrosion on the bottom. The harbor I was in is electrically "bad" - First time I did the bottom job, the boat was in the water 6 years. It had a little corrosion then. That was 2006. Now, I've twice the corrosion. With no electrical changes to my boat in this time, it's clear to me that our harbor or neighboring boats have gotten much worse. Okay, so I'm changing harbors this winter - just time for a change.
    The boat only had coal tar epoxy barrier coat. I followed the prior owner who didn't top coat with anti fouling.

    Now, on the trailer this week, seeing the worse corrosion, we cleaned the hull; wirebrushed thoughly, opening any and all blisters, brused to shiny aluminum all the bare spots, washed with TSP followed by thorogh rinse. Then acid etch with awlprep and a quick rinse. (Can I say "chemically clean?") Today, I put the first of two coats of grey Awlgrip primer on all bare spots. I plan another coat tomorrow.
    Next, I thought to apply two coats of coal tar epoxy atop that primer, as the barrier coat.

    Wanting this time to put antifouling on, and yes, realizing that it is customary to use primer, barrier and antifouling from same company. BUT... Awlgrip does not market an antifouling paint for aluminum! (Boo! ) I love the Awlgip topcoats I have on and never expected to have this problem.

    SOO Does anyone have opinions on an anti fouling paint that will adhere to a fine barrier coat of coal tar epoxy??? I sure would hate to sandblast and start over and hope that someone knows a compatible paint. The moss was much to stubborn to remove, aside from the slowing affect it has.

    Please - tell me there's a nice antifouling for me?
    Tim, with the "Fun Spot" in the boat yard.

    PS - Man, does the sun reflect nicely off of snow white Algrip topcoat!!! Fried my face to a crisp this week!!!!!
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale

    Do you have zincs on the boat? I hope that every 6 months you dive in to check your zincs, if not more often. If the boat has the proper zincs it shouldn't have electrolysis problems.
  3. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    I think all copper-free AF paints will do provided they bond with the epoxy-tar coat.
    Coppercoat can be used on alu hulls as the copper particles are suspended and isolated in an epoxy resin and the epoxy should bond with your undercoat.
  4. roamer nut

    roamer nut Guest

    INTERLUX Tr-Lux bonds really well and is COPPER FREE. Even the stuff with suspended copper is a no-no. Most of the al. paints are TBF (tr-butylin floride) Al boats dont tolerate copper. r n
  5. roamertim

    roamertim Member

    Sep 26, 2005
    Cincinnati Pool, Ohio River
    THANKS - went with Interlux 2000E and Pacifica Plus

    Thanks for all the posts. I contacted Interlux and used their barrier coat and new antifouling.
    Should be much better next time.
