When using the air conditioning in the master with the door closed on a hot day, there is so much moisture/humidity in the room that water actually forms on the mirrors and hard surfaces. Has anybody experienced this or know had to remedy this situation? I can buy a small dehumidifier but that should not be necessary. Thanks.
Did you check the drip pan to make sure it's draining? It sounds like the air is being chilled but the humidity is not being removed,
No, I have not checked the drip pan. Good idea. No question the air is being cooled. If the drip pan were clogged, would this not permit the humidity to be drained?
Yes and it would be running out somewhere , most likely noticeable , wet head liner, wet walls, wet rug etc..or your coil/condenser is dirty and not cooling properly and not able to remove the moisture from the air and condensate , collect , and drain . make sure everything is clean and clear....
The drain line is not clogged. But, the return vent is located inside a closet with another vent on the outside of the closet to permit it to pull in air from the master. Is it possible that the return inside of the closet is permitting it to pull in air from the bilge or under the master bunk creating the humidity issue? It seems like I might have to get a manometer to check the pressure inside and outside of the room. Could this just be a lousy design with an undersized or poorly placed return?
I ve had clogged pans before on different boats and never had humidity issues. What size is the unit? Supposedly if oversized for the room, it will not dehumidify properly. You mentioned it happens when the door is closed... how is the humidity when the door is left open?
I need to check this in the Spring when the boat is up and running. It would surely be a bad design if the master door needed to be open to use the AC.
Pascal is correct on an oversized unit not removing humidity. It can cool the air to quickly, the thermostat will turn the compressor off as normal but lots of air in the room really has not passed thru the evaporator. With the door open, the thermostat may not be cycling as quickly. Later AC controls may offer a dehumidifier operation but to large of a system may keep this option from working correctly also.
Questions I should of asked first,, new problem? Or did you just purchase the boat? With an IR gun or thermometer in the grill, how cold is the air blowing?
Another question, have you checked the bilge to make sure it's not holding a lot of water? What is your location? If you're in cold water, it might be that the hull itself is condensating inside or something like that due to the hull bottom being cold, hull sides being warm, and a/c possibly being oversized because you're not in a tropical climate. I've seen it happen with dark hulls where the area behind the mirror is not a/c'ed and getting heat from the hull......and things of that nature.
This happened last summer which was our first summer with the boat. I do not think the bilge is holding water but there may have been water beneath the master bed in a semi sealed area from where we had drained the hot water tank in the Fall. Unfortunately, a flashlight confirms that the supply vent does have access to that semi sealed area. It happened in very warm water. I am guessing that this is an OEM unit so I do not think it is too big. I not know the temp differential over the system. I will need to address this fully when the weather warms up here in New York. But, if it is structural or mechanical, I can at least start the process now.