Can anyone help with name or company they could recommend to get a 48' trawler transported to Florida (tampa bay area). Motors do not run so "Think" it best to transport here to my home port and re power or rebuild the detroits 453n's? Also any suggestion what to repower with or opinions on just rebuild the 453n's Melikecookies
Hi, Have you considered re building them in place? There must still be mechanics in Panama who have older DD experience who could help you out or do the job for you. You can get most of the big bits here for less than $1000 a side.
I am heading down there in a few weeks to check out the situation and check out the local mechanics. I could bring the rebuild kit with me for $1500 in parts I could rebuild them both asssuming blocks are ok or not cracked and same with heads? The boat is at a remote island but there is two marina's and might be full service but I prefer to not pay full retail to get rebuild but I may have. The cost to rebuild in place and bring home on its own bottom could be much cheaper than shipping on a freighter. The huge benefit is "what a trip that would be. It has outdated electronics of course but is stabilized and has other issues so I guess it all comes down to how much it coss to rebuild 453's there as opposed to bringing home on freighter. Thanks for the Diesel Link, that will come in handy.
Hi, One of the good things about DD's is that most of the parts are interchangeable for a particular size engine in way of pistons, liners, valves, Injectors etc. By this I mean an 8V53 just uses two 4 53 heads and 8 of the same pistons Injectors might have been the cause of the engines giving up the ghost so be careful about the fuel you are poking through them especially try to keep water out as this is sudden death to Injectors and often the accompanying cylinder. If you are reasonably mechanically inclined and are careful you should be able to rebuild most if not all of these by yourself, the tricky bits are the Injector and Governor setup, if you can do the heavy grunt work and just pay someone to do the tricky bits you will be well out in front.
Panama Be real careful in Panama about so called "mechanics" I had one and a fuel lab totally screw up a 20 kw genset fuel system, there are many who will recommend a "great" mechanic but, be sure to get more than one opinion. Be worth to educate yourself on some basic questions to ask the guy so you can see if he at least knows some things. Panama to Florida is not a day trip and with recent total rebuilds you want to be sure they will not let you down. Good luck..