I'm looking at 1967 37 foot steel roamer with twin 427s 22+27 props. From what I read I could expect about 1 mile per gallon. I know they say if you have to ask you can't afford it. But is there any senario that you could improve this mileage? Also any suggestions on a surveyor with altrasound.
If you average 1 MPG, about the best you can hope for is 1.5 MPG at just over idle, prob averaging around 6-8 kts (hull speed), but you can do the math to determine the best speed & economy. Installing a FloScan sensor(s) will halp you identify the best cruising speed for your vessel as well as maintaining the total gallons burned. http://www.sailingusa.info/cal__hull_speed.htm
2.4 mpg ! On my 38 Roamer Offshore with Chrysler 413's with 3 blade 22x21 props, I've recorded 1.25 mpg over 32 miles, running on the Tennessee River at 8.2 mph at 1550 rpm. I'm not sure you could pull 1.5 mpg. I have pulled 2.4 mpg on one engine going down river but I don't think that counts.
37 foot steel roamer thanks guys I have never owned a boat this big and I am just a little nervous. Would it be feasible to put a bow thruster in this boat if I were to buy it? I've been talking to Boat US about insurance any other suggestion would be appreciated. I talked to Davis Surveyors but they do not do ultra sound. Anyone know a good surveyor?
37' with twin engines? I don't see a need for thrusters, but that could depend on the amount of current you'll be facing in your area. I have a 37' with twins and I never found a need for thrusters. However, I have found plenty of other uses for the $10,000 it will cost to install them.
Fuel Burn Even though this attached schedule is from a 38 CC Commander, I find if very close to my 38 Roamer. I thought it might be helpful for your info.