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1999 406 aft cabin

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by mchugh0001, Sep 17, 2009.

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  1. mchugh0001

    mchugh0001 New Member

    Sep 10, 2009
    great oaks marina
    Just put it under contract. It has cummins 370's Does anyone know the gph burn rate? It is going to be a chesapeake bay boat but I have to bring from MI in the spring, trying to figure approx, fuel cost
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That is a loooong trip. I'd guess you're coming via Eerie Canal? Otherwise it's a very loooong trip. You should burn less than 30gph.That figure is meaningless though until you know how much fuel will be at that time, plus dockage, plus repairs, plus..... Of course, if you have time, slowing down will greatly improve that #. In fact, you'll be way down through the canal. Have you looked into having the boat trucked? You're talking about a 17kt cruise boat that's not real comfortable on the types of seas spring can bring to the lakes and ocean. Probably 2 weeks plus and a lot of wear and tear.
  3. mchugh0001

    mchugh0001 New Member

    Sep 10, 2009
    great oaks marina
    It is approx 1300 sm.and yes lake Mi thru mac straits , lake huron , lake erie to wellant canal ,into lake ont , to oswego canal to erie canal to albany , down hudson , down NJ coast to del bay up the D bay to the C&D canal into the Ches bay. They claim with 370 cummins d's that it will cruise at 21 to24 . They wanted $7300 to truck plus they break it down which I dont want to do that they just never go back together right
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The breaking down is the bad part. You're right, they never seem to go back right. Do they say how much has to be broken down. Because if it's just the radar it's no big deal. but if it's the whole aft enclosure.... The run to Florida from NY is costing at about $10,000 to $20,000 depending on boat, crew and weather these days. That's about 1,100 miles. I've made that trip in as little as 5 days, but more recently it's been running 8 to 14 days depending on boat and weather because the waterways have been built up so much causing us to go slower due to wake concerns. That boat will have you down to 4 kts. in close areas to avoid throwing wakes. (Made the run to Florida on a 370 aft which is basically the same boat just a few feet smaller). Not to call anyone a liar, but I'd be highly suspect of that 24 kt. cruise claim. Maybe WOT. I'm not familiar with the lakes, but you'd do well to figure on an average of 14kts. daily progress when planning your legs to account for the slowing down along the way (less in the canals). If you happen to hit that 21 you can always push on an extra hour.
    The one thing I hadn't mentioned, and not knowing your experience this may not matter to you. Money aside, this trip would be like a college education in boating. The experience will serve you well. So you should also consider what the education is worth to you. Good luck.
  5. mchugh0001

    mchugh0001 New Member

    Sep 10, 2009
    great oaks marina
    The cost for breaking it down was quoted as 3000 to 4000 both ways so 7000 total plus trucking cost . They says the 370 d's will push it at lest 20 to 21 it only weights 27800 # fully loaded.
    I have taken a 43 post, 53 cheoy lee, down and back to fla 3 times and you are right it has slowed down. Thats why I go out to ocean after charleston SC. for as long as we can. And you are right we always avg about 12 to 14 knts
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    S.C. on the inside?Zzzzz:eek: I pray for seas that will let me out at Beaufort, N.C.:D $3,000? that's a lot of break down and a lot of potential to get a rattle trap. Sounds like you've got the experience for the trip and I guess it will be new territory for you. Should be a very cool trip. Enjoy.:)