The new 438 Skater is wild. Definitely bold and fast.
Most of the time porpoise is because the engine is too deep. If you are confident with your engine depth, you can try adding weight forward to...
You can try Lee Aerospace. They make most of the windshields for high performance offshore boats.
Rodger, do you find that the canal is being kept open later into the winter over the past several years? Does the closing date change based on...
That is correct. He has a pretty big fleet already and they are getting sent all around the globe.
I have no experience with them, but I know several are running Number 6 Mercury Racing drives. I would not be worried about those breaking on...
A bit late to the party, but you should see about 24 with favorable fuel and conditions. I always found it takes a lot of tab to get the last few...
"Pink Shadow" has been sold and is now "Bad Company Support".
From what I have seen an E-99 permit is the way many people go. My boating club is in Canada, but most of the members boats are registered in the...
This also has to do with plan 2014. The water level of the great lakes used to be strictly managed. Over the past several years they have...
Mid 2000 Carver 530's had a section which would slide forward inside the rail so you could access the starboard side door, then it would slide...
Cannot answer any of the questions above but, the boat is back on the water. I have no idea of the damage, but she is floating and running....
[ATTACH]Blue Nose 2 on Lake Erie just outside the Welland Canal
For mounting it under a seat, you are going to be best off with a free air sub, as the compartments under the seat are going to be too large...
I believe the CC is a 53' Hydra Sport not a Midnight Express.
Roger, I was driving to my cottage on Christmas day, and I noticed there were about 10 freighters all waiting outside lock 1. I could see them...
You can now purchase inexpensive FLIR cameras that connect to Iphones and Androids. I would get one of those and start spraying the outside of...
According to an article I read, it has four turbines producing 250HP a piece. It is the same company that makes the flyboard that connects to a...
I learned to sail on a sunfish. When I was young, we would fit three of us on there and cruise around our bay. Eventually stepped up to lasers...
244 is what it ran in a mile with a 40mph start. Give it some room and I would imagine it can do a lot more.