I personally know of 5 Bertrams on Lake Michigan in past couple years with tank failures. 4 were gas, 1 was Diesel. All original tanks late 70s...
The problem also is showing up on diesel tanks. Ethanol is an issue, but it appears that the bigger issue is tank design. They all have baffles...
It degraded like 100s of other Bertram tanks and was leaking fuel
Spent couple days removing chinking around perimeter, and pulling screws. Crane was able to pull deck out in perfect condition. Came out a lot...
Ok, just wondering how difficult it is to pull whole deck up (teak attached to fiberglass) don’t need a new deck. Mine is in good shape. Just...
Thank you,
Mostly looking for anyone who has lifted my type of deck to see difficulty
Ya it’s gas. The tank replacement isn’t a big issue. More worried about getting deck lifted off without damage. Glass underneath teak looks great...
I have a 1983 35 Bertram, deck is original teak over glass. In the process of preparing deck to be lifted out to replace leaking fuel tank. Anyone...