lower block cracked on the MerCruiser 5 7 L 350 engine.... looking at options any suggestions?
Cleanslate thanks for the update's many thanks much noted... progress report .....
David H. and Ironman.... I grew up sailing at BHYC with the Lucas family... LISOT 420/I470/ESCOW training. Would be great to connect.
I feel obligated to say its is a fantastic community and I raise a glass to all... thank you
Progress so far... lots of cleaning and engine work.... started some brightwork work.... Question: I was considering rotating the fuel tank 25...
The other must have been replaced out of sequence... pulled both of them one was free and clear the other looked like a nostril of a 80's rock star.
This is awsome what bottom paint did you use?
Here's a picture
My grandfather passed away this year and was the original owner of "Snowgoose" a 1977 C&C 22' Dory/Tournament Fisherman. My father took it over in...