Located in Michigan: Pair of Rupp Tournament Outriggers for a 30 to 50 foot boat. Fresh Water Since New. Double spreader, black & gold, Side and...
We replace ours in our 89 45SF last summer. Found a Frigidaire 13.9 cu ft that was darn close to the same dimensions. Got it in the boat through...
Thanks guys! I will experiment with the picture in the head before I attempt the one in the salon and make a mess. The search for a fab shop begins.
Evening all, New Viking owner and I have 2 questions and would appreciate some sage advice: Our 1989 45 convertible factory swim platform ladder...
Just bought our 89 one month ago and having a great time!
Good day all, I am sorting out our "new to us" viking and have no DC voltage at the vacuflush or windlass. I have run temp power to the head pump...
Thank you! This boat shopping gig is not for the timid. Be well
Thanks for the reply & yes, it is the Chicago Post! I'm not sure if the age matters as they have remained generally consistent in form over the...
Hello! I am looking at a 1997 Post 47 but have a question before moving forward with the process. I am aware of moisture issues with the fore...