Hey man thanks for the engine suggestions, but I’m really after boat suggestions:)
Hey guys, I am hoping to get some suggestions for a boat purchase that I am in the market for. I will use the boat in Aegean sea, I am in the...
According to Raphael Belly she will be the support vessel for Y722. All I can say is wow.
Could't agree with you more, it was rough with the Feadship now imagine a 100+ meter Westport.
Wow my son would love that. Wish I could buy a complete one. Will message the guy and take my chances.
Thanks for the update. I have seen her couple months ago in Bodrum, and got to get upclose didn’t look that bad to me, however with her previous...
I couldn't understand the last line of your post the one in parenthesis... I also think she is grossly overpriced...
This yacht and this thread about the yacht might be solid proof that beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Never fails. I look at it and see...
I really like this design, yet I just find her a bit too top heavy. She reminds me of Crescent which happens to be one of my favorite yachts, so I...
My goodness, sorry for the brain fart everyone and thanks for the correction @German Yachting Sea Owl it is.
While its not a popular choice for yacht color, it is not guaranteed it will be hideous. Feadship Boardwalk comes to mind. Lets wait and see, odds...
Is it true this yacht has been sold and now owned by someone in the Qatar Royal family?
I agree with most the subtle change looks great on her, you wouldn’t want to make a big design change to an iconic yacht like her. Well done.
I was curious about this one. Love the hull color, looks like Phoenix 2 and TIS had a baby:) @Yacht News great catch! it really is interesting.
I couldn't disagree more. Most of the time I've spent on large yachts (I am not saying you haven't just speaking of my experience) people spent...
This guy flips superyachts as if they are center consoles, truly remarkable
I confirmed this situation with a reliable source in Florida that there is a legal case between the yard and the broker over brokerage fees....
Could anyone elaborate on the bowsprit lady figure? Rumors suggest its the owners girlfriend!