Hi Nick: I am in the process of refitting my 1972 82' Burger RPH. It has v12 Cummins 475 per side. 8-9kts cruise @ 18 gals total. 12kts 26GPH...
Congratulations on your safe arrival. Can you share the stats on your trip. Fuel burn per hour speed avg. total hours for the trip( engine run...
Thanks Guys
I am hoping for suggestions on my Robertson AP45 in my 81ft Burger. First the control head will not fire up. Tried tracking down power etc.. . I...
Well NO Progress. I am moving the boat to the ship yard for a bottom job and some paintwork(minor) tomorrow. I am going to see if the GPS finds...
Yes there is a two gps antennas. One for AIS and the other I assume goes to the Simrad. I think I will swap hook ups and see if the problem goes...
Great ideas.. TU. The AIS is putting out my position. So the Simrad still has the no gps fix problem. I see no lights on what I think is the GPS...
Hi Pascal. Yes I am rechecking for chafing again to get that off the list TU for your input
Yes I have look at the satellite viewing page. Nothing there. It does have a clear view of the sky. I will check the gaveling again where it goes...
I have not moved to see but it may be something like that. I will be bringing to the boat yard this coming week and we will see. It has sat a few...
Well first TU for the reply. I have checked all the obvious things. The thing I did was dock it. No major repairs since that. One trip working...
Does anyone have an idea why I keep getting a NO GPS FIX Alert on my EV2 Simrad 24" screen. It was working just fine . Then it was off for couple...
Yikes is right!!!! I am looking into the real stuff myself. I'll post the out come. How many square ft is that in the Picture?
Thank You. I'm still on the fence about it. However I was quoted 150.00 a square foot installed. I need 533 sq ft by my cal. I have to remove the...
I am curious if you replaced the deck yourself or did you hire someone. Also if you did do it yourself where did you get the Flexiteak and at...
That’s good. I did not know all that. I’m still hoping for the original owners info.
Well I think it was named Aquagem when first launched. Had a few names since. Lady Carolyn, Silver king, Aquila Jovis. I think there were others...
Thanks for the info. I thought the Abstract was done when I did the documentation. I'll give that a try
I am trying to find out who the original owner of my Burger Ser# 290C 1972 81ft RPH. I have alot the history but not who ordered it new. Is there...