Yes all four injectors popped at 3,000 pounds pressure with good atomization
I keep thinking it's the fuel pump over fueling, its governed by turbo boost pressure from the intake manifold
about 950 ish its a 2005 all manual no electronics on the engine
I contacted three different mechanics ,they're all backed up for several months.
I may be able to get a pyrometer to measure the exhaust temp? What would the nano gauge read turbo boot or exhaust ? I was thinking of drilling...
I've run the boat at 3000 to 3200 RPM for an hour and a half with no problems, it's hard to tell when I'm underway if there's much smoke at WOT....
It seems a defective waste gate would dump excessive pressure at higher RPM instead of low. No???
Ralph, It ran fine for two seasons after the carbon incident, then it has gradually been getting worse, at first it was only once in a while,...
yes I can see the linkage of the wastegate while underway, how would I test that theory?
The other things that happened were, the exhaust elbow snapped in half and blew exhaust into the engine compartment filling it with the exhaust...
you really think so ? after a turbo shop checked the specs and said its ok. the reason i dragged my feet is a new one is $3,000. thanks for your...
Hi All, Im having trouble with my engine spooling up to slowly, It's a single Yanmar 4LHA STP , in a Judge Chesapeake 27 It takes 30 to 50...