I did close on the boat kept it a couple of years then sold it . We had the opportunity to buy a new Maritimo with an enclosed flybridge which my...
I am completing my second season with my L650FLY..... We have completed about 300 hours and still have a few months left on the Cat warranty but i...
Thanks for the Info I plan to look one more time a a particular 64 then once again at the 60 .. but I am strongly leaning toward a late model 60...
thanks Capt J... I am considering a 60 hatteras motoryacht .. we like the layout just looking for any information what do you think good bad any...
I am considering a new boat and we looked at the HATTERAS 64 motoryacht but truthfully we like the layout of the salon much better on the...
Does anyone have experience with a hatteras 60 MY .. I am looking at one....
A one year update on my L650 fly I have owned it for over a year and no unusual problems that I would blame on the boat.. I replaced upper helm...
did you also get the wireless remote ??
I bought mine a 2015 L650FLY a few months ago Sea ray was Excellent in helping with the survey issues and itstill has 4 years of hull warranty ......
As far as I can tell mine has not had that issue. Did they tell you what was wrong with the water tank??.. have you discussed it with sea ray I...
I thought i would give an update on my first summer with my 2015 L650FLY.. we have enjoyed the boat quite a bit this year with several weekend...
I guess my post was meant to help the op if I did not word something correctly I am sorry about it I never implied that the docking station was...
good idea ....
Thanks ... I do plan to haul out in September and am exploring the idea of a more tolerant system .. I will look into the south bay idea also..
yes .. the helm inside and on flybridge and 1 cockpit docking station... I referred to it as docking stations since they all use a (separate)...
The marina that is my home port in Va beach is also the jelly fish capital of the world (kiddingly) In any case I have a hard time keeping the...
While a lot may disagree .. If you are looking used take a look at the Sea Ray L650 FLY .. if you get one properly optioned they are a great boat...
FWIW my L650 fly has NICAD's and there are zero lead acid batteries on the boat.. but the thrusters are hydraulic....
I also just bought a L650Fly and the rear shade is operated by a rocker .. not sure if there are limit switches' like the sunroof which I had...
I have a 650 Fly with hydraulic thrusters .. That being said IF you have electric thruster you should have a separate battery and seperate...